My new Crassula morgan’s beauty

I have long wanted to have Crassula morgan’s beauty.
But I did not see it on sale.
And finally, she came to me!

Crassula morgan’s beauty is a hybrid of Crassula falcata and Crassula mesembrianthemopsis.

Crassula is a very light-loving plant, but it is undesirable to keep it in direct sunlight constantly.
During dormancy, it is better to keep it in a cool, bright place and almost without watering.
In the summer they water the plant as the soil dries,

Replant Crassula better in spring.






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Pasate por mi blog!!
Gracias de antemano

There will be no room left in your house! lol

You're right! :-)))
Soon we will walk on the ceiling ahaha!