"The Wonders of Peruvian Plants" known as SandhyamalatisteemCreated with Sketch.

in flowers •  7 months ago  (edited)

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"The Wonders of Peruvian Plants"

This plant is a shrub-like, erect and spreading, tuberous perennial, often bearing clusters of fragrant flowers from summer to autumn. The trumpet-shaped, cylindrical flowers, 2 inches long (5 cm), open in the afternoon (hence the common name of four) and have a strong, sweet-smelling fragrance. After blooming, the flower stays in bloom until the next morning. Available in a wide range of colors, they are produced in shades of white, yellow, pink, magenta, red and can even be bicolor.

Flowers appear in terminal or axillary clusters on erect, branching stems covered with 4-inch-long (10 cm) oval, bright green leaves. Blooming over an incredibly long season, they attract hummingbirds and butterflies and give way to large, dark, leathery fruits in the fall.
This old-fashioned garden ornamental is a tender perennial that is killed to the ground by frost, but regenerates from its large tuberous roots. Place it along walkways or near patios before enjoying the fragrance of blooming flowers at night.
We also have this flower here. But we call it Sandhyamalati. This flower blooms a little before evening hence its name Sandhyamalati.

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