Dance with the wild wind ✽ Original Photography ✽ Original Poetry

in flowers •  7 years ago  (edited)

Overnight you claimed
My petals. Now lace-like and fragile
On this my last day. I will sing in the sunlight
Dance with the wild wind. Taste of the dew and rain
My beauty will be admired by all and inspire artists to dream once again.


At the end of my life ~ With just one breathe left
If you come ~ I’ll sit up and sing.

Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: 35 mm:

Creative Commons License
This photograph is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareALike 4.0 International License

Terms of CC BY-SA.

  • This ShareAlike license will allow you to reproduce and/or manipulate this image even for your commercial purposes.

  • You are required to attribute me, Alison Lee Cousland as the photographer.

  • You also need to be willing to license any of your new creations that make use of this image, under the identical terms IE allow others to reproduce and/or build their own art upon your art, as well as granting their right to commercial usage.

T H A N K ✽ Y O U ✽ F O R ✽ Y O U R ✽ V I S I T1 copy.png

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Aww, such beautiful flowers too.

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Beautiful poem, Rumi quote and photograph @allyinspirit. I love the raindrops on the delicate petals. 😍

thanks so much gillian

the petals were transparent with frost bite ~ was cold and wintry but then the sun came out ~ perfect timing

training myself to only use lower case and no full stops ~ after talking to a friend yesterday about how my poems are presented ~ interesting breaking the conditioning 🦋

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I think I'm way too old school to ever stop using capitals and full stops @allyinspirit. 😂

I like them too much. 😍

i do too Gillian

i like short sentences combined with long ones and making a break in the middle of a sentence in my poems ~ which sometimes changes the meaning

which might be ok if i didn't have to use the wiggles inbetween sentances ~ but if you try to have more than one space, the editor closes the spacing

i deliberately stayed with capitals and full stops as the trend towards lower case increased ~ interesting to try it now as an experiment though ~ but i don't know for how long 😊

I think it's fine in poetry because there is a visual element to it to the overall artistic quality. My grammar rules don't seem to apply there. 😂

I like the tildes and the centred lines. It adds to the "art" in poetry but in prose it reminds me too much of teenagers texting with poor spelling and endless sentences that are hard to read.

It will be interesting to see if become comfortable with it. Watch this space!! 😂 😍

Looking at it with fresh morning eyes, I'm not entirely happy with the lowercase even in the poetry now Gillian. Don't like having to have so many squiggles. Will try my beloved balance symbol instead. But if that doesn't work I'll go back to what I was doing. Which even though it seems simple enough I've been gradually refining in an effort to find my own 'style.'

I think the whole trend to lower case has developed from texting ~ And I find when there aren't spaces, full stops, comas etc between thoughts, it can take longer to comprehend what someone is trying to say. Or it an be ambiguous. I don't mind ambiguity in poetry but not in prose.

I wish to really thank you for your honesty ~ It's been truly helpful. Watch this space. 😂

It all sounds good @allyinspirit. If you're trying to find your own 'style' you have to experiment with things and try them out. 😊

I'm with you about ambiguity. Fine in poetry but not so good in prose. Does that make us old do you think? 😂 😂 😂

I think you have a very distinct style already but maybe it's grown slowly over time so you haven' t noticed it. Or perhaps you're wanting to move onto something else.

I'm just grateful to get any words written most of the time. I'm not sure it's something I really enjoy to be honest which is why I question my being on Steemit.

I love taking photographs but not compiling them into a post. I enjoy the occasional poem (I think there have been two since I've been here so we're talking very occasional) when I'm in the right mood.

I think it comes down to not being willing to stop long enough to settle into myself very often. I think good writing requires that. And . . . I can also be happy with "good enough" so I can continue here.

Too much thinking probably . . .

It's nice to just follow the moment and see what unfolds but there are certain expectations that are harder to let go of. It's like, "yep, I'm willing to follow the moment but only if certain things occur in that moment! 😂

Please don't feel any need whatsoever to respond to this. I'm just musing outloud and happy enough with that, knowing it is sent to you. 💙

Wishing you a wonder full day! 💚

Gillian I did start to answer with this: 'So far it's been a very FULL day. FULL of dodging misunderstandings. FULL of breathing in toxic house paint fumes.'

Well the paint fumes have well and truly dissipated now and hopefully Mercury will go direct soon.

I did find my bees wax ~ But yet to gather the bits and pieces to make my candles. 😊

Talk about following the moment and seeing what unfolds ~ Have been experimenting with the Deep Dream Generator since Easter and have been in its grip rather strongly. Will be back here again shortly to write about my experiences with it. Hope all is SUPER well in your world. 🦋

Wow!! this is such a beautiful photography!

Beautiful words and imagery, Ally - how amazing is nature!? These little sweethearts seem to be the living embodiment of Kintsukuroi: even more beautiful for having been 'broken' <3

More loveliness from you! Such a nice way to start my Monday!

thanks so much melinda ~ hope the rest of your monday is creative and productive, fun and stimulating

this photograph was prepared with @petals flowers in mind ~ and then at the last minute it was too close to the 7 days ~ can't keep up ~ oh well such is life

least i started making THE hat today ~ will take a few days ~ and with easter coming i've set myself the task of making some bees wax candles as well 🦋

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You are a busy lady!! Enjoy your wonderfully creative days!

Thanks so much ~ I am ~ Our early autumn is absolutely divine.

Takes a busy lady to know one Melinda. 😊

Nice shot @allyinspirit! 😉
Beautiful flowers

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Thanks so very much @melooo182

After the night frost these irises looked so exquisite. Some of my early work in ephemeral art involved freezing flowers but I don't think anything can be as beautiful as nature in the wild.

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Indeed, I'm no botanical expert but trying to replicate all the variable that apply on the flowers to look as they do naturally would be insane, I guess is not just only the low Temp of the night, but maybe moonlight, wind, moisture, etc.

😉 I'll be keeping an eye for more photos

YES. All the diverse elements coming together to create the magic that we then see as the beauty of a flower or person or piece of art.

I hadn't seen what you have been doing in the curation of art works before @melooo182. Excellent gatherings. 🦋

😁 thanks! yep there are very talented artists here.
We also have a place for Photography in our Discord server although is not very big at the moment, I hope that we can make it grow and have someone do a similar curation job for art such as yours 😉

Wow... This is nice flower photography thank you my friend

I'm pleased this image appeals to you @curabali55

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