Why we are attracted to the "Unreal"

in flowers •  3 years ago 

So, a couple of days ago, as I was in a class with a few colleagues of mine, a thought struck me. I began to wonder, why we crave over things we are most likely not to get or achieve. For example, me constantly dreaming that I'm on a field playing soccer with world class soccer players, meanwhile, I've been on the field only when I was a fifth grader.
Now as a college student I still have days when my dreams are filled with me all over the field, dreaming of doing gymnastics, while I can't even bend for 5 minutes.

My point is sometimes our minds helps us live virtually in places our physical bodies can't go, ever wondered whether the disabled are able to run, talk, and do things in their dreams whereas in reality that can't do? That's the power of our mind, our minds helps us escape the realities and the harshness of this world.

So many centuries ago, there were wars that broke out in where I was born, West Africa, Ghana, there was famine which kept people hungry, children, young, old were really devastated and frustrated, one trick that the old women of the tribe pulled off was to cook stones in pots, the sound of boiling "food", gave hope, helped children sleep in hope of waking up to soft wet powdery yam, despite the hope they woke up to nothing. This continued till there was rain and people could plant and feed their children.

Which one of this picture is unreal? [I took them a couple of days ago]
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And oh!, I don't know their names, kindly comment their names if you do know what these beautiful flowers are called.

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Our minds are attracted to the unreal, to escape the cruelity and sadness of this world. The unreal is a form of escapes, there are people who are only happy in their dreams. Try to be happy, make others happy, because what goes around comes around .
Have a wonderful day

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1st one is Chinese ixora and second one is Peltophorum. I think B and D are unreal. But overall all the colours look great!