Ef Dzhey Grotendorst (F.J.Grootendorst) - shrab, gibrid rozy Rugozy.
Kogda my poyekhali v pitomnik, posmotret' chto-to interesnoye, ya obratila vnimaniye na etu rozu, tsvetki pokhozhi na gvozdiki, vot tak ona i poyavilas' v moyem sadu.
Kust bol'shoy, pryamostoyachiy, vysota mozhet dostigat' 140-160 sm, tsvetot nepreryvno s iyunya mesyatsa po sentyabr', malen'kimi krasnymi tsvetochkami v kistyakh.
Posadka na solnechnom meste, plokho perenosit zharu, ne trebuyet zimnego ukrytiya.
Ispol'zuyetsya v zhivoy izgorodi, v odinochnoy posadke na gazone, v kompozitsiyakh s khvoynymi.
Ef Jay Grootendorst (F.J.Grootendorst) is a srab, a hybrid of the Rose of Rugosa.
When we went to the nursery, to see something interesting, I noticed this rose, the flowers look like carnations, that's how it appeared in my garden.
The bush is large, erect, the height can reach 140-160 cm, blossoms continuously from June to September, with small red flowers in the hands.
Landing in a sunny place, badly tolerates heat, does not require winter shelter.
Used in hedges, in a single planting on the lawn, in compositions with coniferous.
Sincerely, Feyacvetov.