Violet tricolor are very attractive flowers, they refer to early-flowering flowers, there are a lot of varieties with a variety of colors.
Pansies can differ in height of the bush, they are small-flowered, with large flowers and gigantic, and also have different shades.
These are flowers of sunny places or even better planted in a light penumbra, of course, in many ways depending on the climatic zone.
When planting viols with seeds, in the first year of life, only green leaves are picked up, and bloom can be seen already for the next season, if you want to get bloom immediately, then you need to plant them in seedlings at the end of January, early February.
The main diseases and pests of violets are spotting, gray mold, mealy Ross, black leg.
Want to see flowers large and with a juicy color, it is better to plant in light fertile soils, observe the watering schedule, do not forget to loosen the soil, wilted flowers must be cut off for the extension of flowering.
Companions of pansies are lobelia, asters, forget-me-nots.
It is possible to plant a flower bed with some anjuts, but with different colors and it will be very beautiful, you can plant in a flower pot and a curb along the paths.
Sincerely, Feyacvetov.