
in flowers •  7 years ago 

 Spreading cotoneaster (Cotoneaster divaricatus)

Svartskog, Norway

Of all the specimens in their autumn colors and full of small red berries, one was very confused as it was dotted with flower buds and open flowers!

What made this specific plant decide to produce flowers now? What is so different with this particular plant? It is growing with many of its kind right next to it, but has a very different response to the autumn.

Yet it is not as uncommon as one might think – at least with some species! Every autumn I find honeysuckles producing flowers, and the harebell also with flowers and buds, but I don’t remember if it was like this when I was a kid.  

Image Copyright © 2017 @qhingqhing
Image Capture Date: 17 November 2017 14:31
Altitude: 8 meters

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