Home Gardening Tips Moncton–Plants in Our Yard

in flowersgarden •  5 years ago 


That’s Jenny and I, in the top corners, along with all the things we grow in our yard.

We purchased the property we call home today because we immediately saw the potential, plus it was two properties bundled together so we would finally have that space we wanted for so many years and could start a vegetable garden.

Of course Jenny was thinking more about a field of petunias. Thankfully that didn’t happen, yet.


We also knew there was going to be a lot of work but it’s ours now and we will do things one at a time starting with the north property fence which is covered with out of control rose bushes. They look great when they are flowering but such a mess the rest of the time. They have to be brought back into control.

The section of rose bush to the left was more than 15 feet tall.

Instead of a big mess I cut it all back so that some of the trees and vines in that mess get a chance to grow. I did the cutting back and Jenny did the cutting up of these thorny things.


Got it all cut back except for the section along the corner of our house.

While cutting this mess back I did my best not to cut the things I wanted to keep. What a task that was as it was such a mess of thorns. I managed to save a few vines that will cover the fence over the next few years as well as a couple of maple trees.

For the north east corner of the year we added an Amur Maple that should add some great colour come fall. It’s still only about 3 feet tall and very skinny so it may take until next year to blow our minds. Like I said a little at a time.

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