RE: The Fluoride-Nazi Myth

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The Fluoride-Nazi Myth

in fluoride •  5 years ago  (edited)

Read Harley Rivers Dickinson and the Dickinson Statement. He references Nazis using fluoride evidenced by Charles Perkins. Ian Stephens wrote something on evidence back then. Its unfortunate people like to "debunk" old history because they are too stupid to look and dig themselves. Start here:
Stephens article archived:

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Now go try learning how to not be an egomaniac fuck who can't process new information that contradicts what you falsely believe.


Well, you won't have a fun time here on Steemit if you think this is a platform to start fights. ;-) Go stick your dick in an electric socket.

Your pathetic threat is noted, as well as your low IQ. I am well aware of Communist style censorship on Steemit and if you think that I am concerned with my 'steemit' rep, you are more of a joke than I thought.
I have now uncovered your intentions, successfully, and it is not for the 'Steemit' community, although they are more than welcome to see that you are just another cog in the Censorship favoritism wheel. You cannot debate, so you just insult and 'Steem' threat lol.... Pathetic.
The light has been shined on you. Run along now and continue being pathetic. Since being corrected is "starting fights" to you. Poor little SJW. Didn't you tell me to "Leave me alone or else"? You can't debate! Run.

I already destroyed you, you pointed to a blog. Don't talk to me about IQ. My IQ is over 200. While yours is lower than 100. You use a random blog to debate, I sent you a chemist letter, book and politician who cited that chemist letter. Why are you harping on this so much? Regardless of the fact of Nazis using fluoride I included other scientific studies that are all cited. You really haven't uncovered my intentions you can smear me as much as you want, it won't work or get anywhere. Take the light and shine it up your own ass. Oh and yes, I am an SJW, I was former GhostSec and we hacked police departments. You have no idea who I am. LOL!

:D :D "I destroyed you"
what are you like 12 playing big boy on the internet? Is this a video game to you or something little one?

I pointed to a blog that debunked your bullshit. It literally links to a copy of your "Evidence" which is NOTHING of the sort. You are too stupid to figure that part out though, but please continue because this is making some seriously priceless comedy.

You linked to a 'chemist' who provided ZERO evidence of your claim.
I can link to a pile of dogshit to prove that the earth is cigar shaped too, you fucking genius!

"My IQ is over 200. "

This is some of the funniest shit I have come across on social media!
If you even knew anything about IQ, you would have at least spewed out a lie that made sense......omg I am laughing so hard.

Reference for morons i.e. its sarcasm the HIGHEST possible IQ is 200 with rare exceptions:
Other reference, yes a score of 200 is possible... =P

I am laughing harder because you are so mad that you asked for my IQ. In which, I replied with a joke response and you somehow took it seriously? LOL.

I didn't ask for your IQ..... Interesting delusion there, genius!

You literally brought up IQ first mate. Are you that unintelligent and absent minded? I enjoyed the laugh earlier and had some fun trolling you. But I have better things to do. However, I had to respond for the onlookers reading your mental break down. So they know you brought up IQ first insulting me showing that its you who started the ad hominem attacks by saying how "low" my IQ is. So I trolled you back with my IQ is 200 and yours is under 100. Seriously though, If you and I did do a dick measuring IQ test I would surpass you by miles! (That's a metaphor i.e. a figure of speech not literally applicable. Don't get too heated up now kid.)

You spewed out that you had a TWO HUNDRED IQ. Now you are backtracking trying to say it is 'trolling' and it is even more funny.

I even pointed out the reference to you and you are too dumb to get it. =P

Here, you can request a copy of the source of your claims :)

Once you get one, please show me the part that supports your claim.
Or, just retract your old false claim and have some merit and reputability. It will help support your employer that you keep mentioning by giving your organization credibility.


I started there many, many years ago little Bolshevik. What is actually sad, is that little pissants posing as 'truthers' go around spreading mainstream Communist/Bolshevik lies, just as you have and continue to do. Learn something outside of the mainstream narrative, so that you don't keep looking like a fool.

Here you go, skip ahead to the part where I already debunked your idiotic claim from your lazy ass "research"

"And now the truth:

Charles E Perkins; chemist and researcher, wrote the book “The Truth about Water Fluoridation.” The info allegedly supplied by Perkins (shown here at seems to be the main source used to back up the claims of “Nazi fluoride usage”. It’s also claimed that Perkins was in contact with the German chemists of I.G. Farben who admitted to the “Nazi plot to use fluoride in drinking water”. I’ll come back to that shortly.

A digitized version of Charles E Perkins’ book is available through Sribd and it contains NO mention of the use of fluoride by the “Nazis” whatsoever, nor for that matter, any documentation to even prove the use of fluoridation by the Russians! Perkins simply states, “Mass medication, involving fluoridation of public water systems, has long been known as an important technique of the Communist philosophy of mass control.”

The story, as published on the Rense website, is that Perkins was asked to better explain his Russian fluoridation comments in his book, and the resulting letter brought to life the alleged “Nazi” connection. But not only does Perkins not address the alleged Russian comments, he offers NO documentation whatsoever as to additional information pertaining to “the Nazis”. The letter is absolute baloney, compiled of more and more empty accusations about the “Nazis” with no documentation or evidence provided to back up those assertions, and the source is untraceable."

Once again idiot a blog isn't debunking fuck all from a claim from a chemist and politician in Australia. Try again!

Hey you should start off every moronic comment with ad homenim to prove your point.
Here let me type it out for you so the 'blog' factor doesn't stunt your learning ability, even though you blog about it too....................

"A digitized version of Charles E Perkins’ book is available through Sribd and it contains NO mention of the use of fluoride by the “Nazis” whatsoever,"

Now, if you cannot figure out that you are spreading nonsense, then I can't help you further. Run along and spread your lies put out by the people that are fluoridating your water, right now. That way we can chase dead boogeymen instead of the men behind the curtain that control your psyche and everything it produces ;)

So, simpleton, what you are actually trying to disclose is that it was the Communist/Bolshevik tactic. You failed miserably, because you want to spew the mainstream bullshit narrative, like any good little monkey does, but thankfully I am here to correct your spew from spreading further on my blog.

You aren't relevant hate to break it to you, you have 8 followers and have been active since May. ;-) The communist and Nazis used the same tactic you moron. I am not sure why its hard to believe Nazis used fluoride, which is waste from aluminium, when IG Farben was involved with Zyklon B and other chemicals? Further, you are the one following me and my employer not the other way around. Have fun little troll!

You are not capable of comprehension. You only want to hold onto your little bolshevik lies. Why don't you show proof? You can't because it isn't there. You are a tool of the establishment nothing more.
Oh, and you are one of those 'look at how popular I am' narcissists too. Argumentum ad populum, is your forte. Good little sheep!
Yes I followed you when I joined here because I thought you might have a brain.... Sometimes I give people too much credit ;)

I showed you three links the rest is up to you. There are documentaries out there that show the old newspaper articles of the letter. Oh yes, I am a narcissist for pointing out that you only have 8 followers when you are acting like a hot shot. Totally let me tell you! I never talked about popularity I just pointed out that you only had 8 followers and you were the one who was following me.

Also, guy, this is my last message but let me tell you, I am a "tool of the establishment" by writing for an alternative media website i.e. Activist Post. In what reality would that make sense? You are calling me the sheep when you believe a debunking article that fails to address the fact the letter was published in a paper and referenced by an Australian politician. LOL.

For you comrade!

" by writing for an alternative media website i.e. Activist Post."

So....a writer for the "Activist Post" doesn't grasp the concept of "Controlled Opposition".......I guess that is why I never was a fan of that outlet....

" In what reality would that make sense?"

Let me teach you then, since you have asked so nicely.

In real reality that makes sense. You'll have to think a little deeper than double digit IQ though. So let me explain:
There is something called "Controlled Opposition" and since you haven't heard of it, I would seriously urge you to look into it so that you won't be further deluded into following so many mainstream lies.....
Have a great day!

Yes, an independent journalist who takes no funding from anyone but donations is "controlled opposition." God you morons are so dumb, for real.. I am not Alex Jones with funding by Time Warner or that radio network he was a part of for so many years. You are exposing how absolutely brain dead you are. I am an activist and journalist who has been around for several years.

Its hilarious mate you talk about me being a narcissist but you are the one talking about IQ. I am going to let you in on a secret. Also, you are the one acting like "controlled opposition" by attacking me as you are. Good luck!

Does having a "200" IQ make one intelligent though Morpheus? Because I know a clown that claimed he has a 200 IQ!!!
Let's discuss, "overcompensation" ;)

"a debunking article that fails to address the fact the letter was published in a paper and referenced by an Australian politician. LOL."

And you cannot grasp that the letter had no evidence of anything you claim......Interesting that you keep trying to push it though, isn't it comrade?

Stop drinking the "everyones' a Russian koolaid" holy fuck McCarthyism on steroids.

Oh lookie now he's trying to gaslight in a really pathetic attempt at McCarthyism linkage, further proving he knows absolutely NOTHING about controlled opposition, or how it is employed to control the masses like himself.
Who am I talking to? :D

"I am not sure why its hard to believe Nazis used fluoride"

And there we have it. You 'believe'. You WANT to believe it. Without any proof. You just want to hold on to that evil boogeyman story that you grew up with and was told was true all your life, and then when your belief is shattered, you go into a denial frenzy and attack the truth.

There there little one. You can do it. Overcome!

I am likely old enough to be your father kid. You are one of the dumbest people I think I have ever argued with online. I provided a chemist letter, a book, and a politicians letter. There is also way more evidence in documentaries and other old articles but they are rare and hard to find. Its NOT a believe its a fact that morons like to deny for whatever reason. I bet you don't even know that eugenics started in the U.S. and then moved to Germany. Some of the same companies that were involved in eugenics in the U.S., funded eugenics experiments in Nazi Germany. You are a fool.

You provided nothing. You provided farts in the wind. When you provide some actual evidence of your claim, you'll be making some headway. For now, ALL you have done is spread MAINSTREAM lies of Bolshevik origin, which makes you either a willful idiot, or an agent of evil.... which is it?

You want to start on what you THINK you know about Eugenics now? Why don't you start by looking up the definition ;)

....Then look up the definition of "Dysgenics" and have an 'ah ha' moment of clarity. Maybe we can get somewhere after all. First you just have to shed your hold on your mainstream lies that you can't seem to quite overcome yet. But you can eventually, if you shed that gargantuan ego of yours that is hold you back from further progress in the realm of knowledge.

"You aren't relevant hate to break it to you, you have 8 followers and have been active since May. ;-)"

Yet here you are :D
I am now in your psyche!

I am laughing my ass off at how stupid you are, you aren't in my psyche kid.

Thank you for proving my point ;)

Your downvote is the evidence I need to know that you are not even remotely capable of reflecting on new information. Enjoy your idiot bubble, you angry little simpleton.

My downvote is because you are a moron that believes random blogs who doesn't further dig into a subject. It's you who is the simpleton, I am not angry you are just retarded. If anything its you who is angry about getting downvoted. LOL!

Yes, yes. Release your rage. Let the anger flow into your keyboard. Give in to the Dark Side!

....still no evidence of claim though....

I am not angry, I just trolled you by saying I had 200 IQ? It's very clear that its you sir who is the mad one in this situation. More so, its you who is the narcissist since you can't handle being wrong and brought up IQ not me. I only pointed out that you weren't relevant with 8 followers and that you followed me and my employer. Take a chill pill, Bill. But for real this is my last response I had fun, however, I have work to do adios!

"I just trolled you by saying I had 200 IQ? "

Yes I am sure you were just 'trolling' lol....

Ok, goodbye again :D

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Right on queue!
Hey there, Mr. Ad Homenim with attack weapon labels! Wow, huge brain on you!
Now I will dismantle your gibberish too, and point out the low quality of your method of thinking. I'll leave the obvious aside for now and refrain from slinging insults....

First, you also have zero evidence to back up the claim. You can throw poopie like a champ yes, but no point, or evidence.

" by trying to debunk something that's historically proven / correct"

  • here's the thing, it is not 'proven to be correct'. The fact you think so, all by itself, demonstrates that you know absolutely nothing of history, other than the claim of one corrupt idiot....You of course, didn't look yourself, and have instantly outright rejected the new information presented, and put your weakling little label attached to it "closet nazi". That is cute.

Now to show you your low-average level of processing power:
" taking blame off nazis for their crimes... perhaps you're a closet nazi yourself..."
-of course, I can only assume that this is the pinnacle of your level of thinking... so I'll be gentle. --> You are giving the "Nazis" far more credit than I ever could. For you are attributing a falsity upon them which is quite easily debunked. A 6 year old on a phone could do the research.....But here you are, throwing poopie, but have no knowledge....
When the lie is debunked, that lie which YOU ascribe to, mhsiemaszko, it makes it look like, hmm, what other things about "the evil nazis" are true or false?

If you fail to see the logic in that which is clear to anyone of even remotely average intelligence, then I am not the one that can help you.

Oh, and come back with something of merit, for the love of thinking...