- After the order is placed, it is necessary to deal with the abnormal situations such as the unsettled order and the holding of a single contract. And draw the chart.
data.cancelOrders(); // cancel orders
data.drawingChart(boll); // drawing
data.isEven(); // Handle holding individual contracts
As above, we have created a simple cross-period arbitrage strategy of digital currency completely through more than 200 lines code. The complete code is as follows:
// Global variable
// Declare a chart object for the configuration chart
var chart = {
__isStock: true,
tooltip: {
xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A'
title: {
text: 'transaction profit and loss curve (detailed)'
rangeSelector: {
buttons: [{
type: 'hour',
count: 1,
text: '1h'
}, {
type: 'hour',
count: 2,
text: '3h'
}, {
type: 'hour',
count: 8,
text: '8h'
}, {
type: 'all',
text: 'All'
selected: 0,
inputEnabled: false
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'price difference'
opposite: false,
series: [{
name: "upper track",
id: "line1,up",
data: []
}, {
name: "middle track",
id: "line2,middle",
data: []
}, {
name: "down track",
id: "line3,down",
data: []
}, {
name: "basb",
id: "line4,basb",
data: []
}, {
name: "sabb",
id: "line5,sabb",
data: []
var ObjChart = Chart(chart); // Drawing object
var bars = []; // Storage price difference series
var oldTime = 0; // Record historical data timestamp
// Parameters
var tradeTypeA = "this_week"; // Arbitrage A contract
var tradeTypeB = "quarter"; // Arbitrage B contract
var dataLength = 10; // Indicator period length
var timeCycle = 1; // K-line period
var name = "ETC"; // Currencies
var unit = 1; // Order quantity
// basic data
function Data(tradeTypeA, tradeTypeB) { // Pass in arbitrage A contract and arbitrage B contract
this.accountData = _C(exchange.GetAccount); // Get account information
this.positionData = _C(exchange.GetPosition); // Get position information
var recordsData = _C(exchange.GetRecords); // Get K-line data
exchange.SetContractType(tradeTypeA); // Subscribe to arbitrage A contract
var depthDataA = _C(exchange.GetDepth); // Arbitrage A contract depth data
exchange.SetContractType(tradeTypeB); // Subscribe to arbitrage B contract
var depthDataB = _C(exchange.GetDepth); // Arbitrage B contract depth data
this.time = recordsData[recordsData.length - 1].Time; // Time to get the latest data
this.askA = depthDataA.Asks[0].Price; // Sell one price of arbitrage A contract
this.bidA = depthDataA.Bids[0].Price; // Buy one price of arbitrage A contract
this.askB = depthDataB.Asks[0].Price; // Sell one price of arbitrage B contract
this.bidB = depthDataB.Bids[0].Price; // Buy one price of arbitrage B contract
// Positive arbitrage price difference (Sell one price of contract A - Buy one price of contract B)
this.basb = depthDataA.Asks[0].Price - depthDataB.Bids[0].Price;
// Negative arbitrage price difference (Buy one price of contract A - Sell one price of contract B)
this.sabb = depthDataA.Bids[0].Price - depthDataB.Asks[0].Price;
// Get position
Data.prototype.mp = function (tradeType, type) {
var positionData = this.positionData; // Get position information
for (var i = 0; i < positionData.length; i++) {
if (positionData[i].ContractType == tradeType) {
if (positionData[i].Type == type) {
if (positionData[i].Amount > 0) {
return positionData[i].Amount;
return false;
// Synthesis of new K-line data and boll indicator data
Data.prototype.boll = function (num, timeCycle) {
var self = {}; // Temporary objects
// Median value of between positive arbitrage price difference and negative arbitrage price difference
self.Close = (this.basb + this.sabb) / 2;
if (this.timeA == this.timeB) {
self.Time = this.time;
} // Compare two depth data timestamps
if (this.time - oldTime > timeCycle * 60000) {
oldTime = this.time;
} // Pass in the price difference data object into the K-line array according to the specified time period
if (bars.length > num * 2) {
bars.shift(); // Control the length of the K-line array
} else {
var boll = TA.BOLL(bars, num, 2); // Call the boll indicator in the talib library
return {
up: boll[0][boll[0].length - 1], // boll indicator upper track
middle: boll[1][boll[1].length - 1], // boll indicator middle track
down: boll[2][boll[2].length - 1] // boll indicator down track
} // Return a processed boll indicator data
// Place an order
Data.prototype.trade = function (tradeType, type) {
exchange.SetContractType(tradeType); // Resubscribe to a contract before placing an order
var askPrice, bidPrice;
if (tradeType == tradeTypeA) { // If the order is placed in contract A
askPrice = this.askA; // Set askPrice
bidPrice = this.bidA; // Set bidPrice
} else if (tradeType == tradeTypeB) { // If the order is placed in contract B
askPrice = this.askB; // Set askPrice
bidPrice = this.bidB; // Set bidPrice
switch (type) { // Match order placement mode
case "buy":
exchange.SetDirection(type); // Set order placement mode
return exchange.Buy(askPrice, unit);
case "sell":
exchange.SetDirection(type); // Set order placement mode
return exchange.Sell(bidPrice, unit);
case "closebuy":
exchange.SetDirection(type); // Set order placement mode
return exchange.Sell(bidPrice, unit);
case "closesell":
exchange.SetDirection(type); // Set order placement mode
return exchange.Buy(askPrice, unit);
return false;
// Cancel orders
Data.prototype.cancelOrders = function () {
Sleep(500); // Delay before cancellation, because some exchanges, you know what I mean
var orders = _C(exchange.GetOrders); // Get an array of unfilled orders
if (orders.length > 0) { // If there are unfilled orders
for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) { // Iterate through the array of unfilled orders
exchange.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id); // Cancel unfilled orders one by one
Sleep(500); // Sleep for 0.5 seconds
return false; // Return false if an unfilled order is cancelled
return true; // Return true if there are no unfilled orders
// Handle holding individual contracts
Data.prototype.isEven = function () {
var positionData = this.positionData; // Get position information
var type = null; // Switch position direction
// If the remaining 2 of the position array length is not equal to 0 or the position array length is not equal to 2
if (positionData.length % 2 != 0 || positionData.length != 2) {
for (var i = 0; i < positionData.length; i++) { // Iterate through the position array
if (positionData[i].Type == 0) { // If it is a long order
type = 10; // Set order parameters
} else if (positionData[i].Type == 1) { // If it is a short order
type = -10; // Set order parameters
// Close all positions
this.trade(positionData[i].ContractType, type, positionData[i].Amount);
// Drawing
Data.prototype.drawingChart = function (boll) {
var nowTime = new Date().getTime();
ObjChart.add([0, [nowTime, boll.up]]);
ObjChart.add([1, [nowTime, boll.middle]]);
ObjChart.add([2, [nowTime, boll.down]]);
ObjChart.add([3, [nowTime, this.basb]]);
ObjChart.add([4, [nowTime, this.sabb]]);
// Trading conditions
function onTick() {
var data = new Data(tradeTypeA, tradeTypeB); // Create a basic data object
var accountStocks = data.accountData.Stocks; // Account balance
var boll = data.boll(dataLength, timeCycle); // Get boll indicator data
if (!boll) return; // Return if there is no boll data
// Explanation of price difference
// basb = (Sell one price of contract A - Buy one price of contract B)
// sabb = (Buy one price of contract A - Sell one price of contract B)
if (data.sabb > boll.middle && data.sabb < boll.up) { // If sabb is higher than the middle track
if (data.mp(tradeTypeA, 0)) { // Check whether contract A has long orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeA, "closebuy"); // Contract A closes long position
if (data.mp(tradeTypeB, 1)) { // Check whether contract B has short orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeB, "closesell"); // Contract B closes short position
} else if (data.basb < boll.middle && data.basb > boll.down) { // If basb is lower than the middle track
if (data.mp(tradeTypeA, 1)) { // Check whether contract A has short orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeA, "closesell"); // Contract A closes short position
if (data.mp(tradeTypeB, 0)) { // Check whether contract B has long orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeB, "closebuy"); // Contract B closes long position
if (accountStocks * Math.max(data.askA, data.askB) > 1) { // If there is a balance in the account
if (data.basb < boll.down) { // If basb price difference is lower than the down track
if (!data.mp(tradeTypeA, 0)) { // Check whether contract A has long orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeA, "buy"); // Contract A opens long position
if (!data.mp(tradeTypeB, 1)) { // Check whether contract B has short orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeB, "sell"); // Contract B opens short position
} else if (data.sabb > boll.up) { // If sabb price difference is higher than the upper track
if (!data.mp(tradeTypeA, 1)) { // Check whether contract A has short orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeA, "sell"); // Contract A opens short position
if (!data.mp(tradeTypeB, 0)) { // Check whether contract B has long orders before placing an order
data.trade(tradeTypeB, "buy"); // Contract B opens long position
data.cancelOrders(); // Cancel orders
data.drawingChart(boll); // Drawing
data.isEven(); // Handle holding individual contracts
// Entry function
function main() {
// Filter unimportant information in the console
exchange.IO("currency", name + '_USDT'); //Set the digital currency to be traded
ObjChart.reset(); // Clear the previous chart drawn before starting the program
LogProfitReset(); // Clear the status bar information before starting the program
while (true) { // Enter polling mode
onTick(); // Execute the onTick function
Sleep(500); // Sleep for 0.5 seconds
To be continued...