The era of #fodl begins: have you tried it?

in fodl •  7 years ago  (edited)

All right, let's say the things went fine last night.

Despite the fact we just conquered the world, as you can clearly see in the last post we decided to keep doing meaningful things.

So, we invented #fodl.

While you #hodl you can #fodl


Everything starts with three little hodlers, a pen and piece of paper.

Like this one:


One of them had the idea to #fodl it into three parts:


And started drawing the head of something...


Then, the sheet was given to the next #fodler, with a precise indication where to keep drawing the body:


The same happened to the last #fodler, which had to continue with the legs, without having seen the others' draws. So, the three #fodlers gave birth to this masterpiece:


The very, authentic, first, stunning, #fodl, ever produced in the history of #fodls. Which is just started, now.

The era of #fodl begins!

Yes, it is. And you can be part of it and give your contribution by creating your #fodl together with some other friends and post it with the hashtag #foldl. Me @sature and @yoganarchista will keep posting our #fodls for the next week, two each one. And then...

Be ready for the #fodlcontest and...Stay tuned for more #fodls!

Click HERE for ITALIAN version, or"HERE for GERMAN.

Follow me @bronsedi

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haha auf die Idee muss man auch erst mal kommen :D tolle Zeichnung ;)

Dankeschön ;) Der nächste #fodl post ist auch bereits raus ;) Diesmal auf deutsch ;)

Sehr cool, hab vorbeigeschaut ;) @yoganarchista

Haha... Great idea! Which part did you do? and @yoganarchista and @sature?

From the head to the feet: @yoganarchista @sature @bronsedi. You have to see the other ones ;)

We tried this three nights ago and added two lines of verse for each section we did. I will post it if the person who took it with them still has it.

I like this idea, kind of like exquisette corpse (which we did at Storytime tonigbt)but with paper instead of words! Going to try your idea over the weekend!

Das haben wir schon vor 10 Jahren in der Schule gemacht.. ;)^^

non capisco ma mi adeguo

=) Ora arriva la ITA VER =)

Great post.
I appreciate your post. thanks for sharing

Nice draws hahaha, very funny!