Bought A New Coin Today By Using A New Method - Check Out Crypto Watson On Twitter

in foldingcoin •  8 years ago 

As you might be aware of, there are today over 1000 cryptos and it is hard to do some good screening for trading. However, I found a new method today and I think it could be really useful. It is a person on Twitter called Crypto Watson:

FireShot Capture 316 - Crypto Watson (@CryptoWatson) I Twitter_ - https___twitter.com_CryptoWatson.png

I assume he was triggered by the computer who cleaned up at Jeapardy, namely IBM´s Watson and now we have Crypto Watson. Basically, it is a Twitter scraping bot where the bot can find cryptocurrencies that are frequently mentioned on Twitter and together with positive or negative words. Then it creates lists such as this one:

FireShot Capture 317 - Crypto Watson (@CryptoWatson) I Twitter_ - https___twitter.com_CryptoWatson.png

Comment: So, what I did was that I looked up some rare ones and then I looked at their daily graphs in order to find any prospects. There I found Folding Coin. It was second on that list (FLDC) and I saw a potential for at least 3x move in the near term future.

Here is the daily graph for Folding Coin:

FireShot Capture 318 - FLDCBTC_ 0.00000343 ▲+19.93% -_ - https___www.tradingview.com_chart_AxIWekrr_.png

Comment: In this daily graph, you can see that we today is having a MACD crossover and you can also see the upward potential, about 3x. I bought in when it was up 6% for the day and it is now up 22%, but I think this could be a winner.

So, in this combo, we have technical analysis in combination with Crypto Watson, now that is a potential winner to me.

If you want to have a look at Crypto Watson you can go here:

And if you want to buy Folding Coin, you can do it over at Bittrex:

Happy trading!

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Excellent explication and extremely important this information to share with the community, we must always be aware of the market of cryptocoins ... congratulations friends: D

thx, yeah, I think this could be a killer

Nice analysis mate.