Over 3,000 Followers

in followers •  7 years ago 

We are growing like never before for the first time in history, we are able to face governments and demand more justice, and we have what we need to report on the news directly, peer to peer, from person to person, online. We go live. We do videos. We take photos. We share what is happening as it happens all around the world, each moment, each second, live, and we are growing like patriotic eagles.

Over 3,000 people are following here and this is only the beginning for original oatmeal, for daily bread, for what we do together in being funny, educational, comedic, awesome, cool, encouraging, direct, decisive, as we seek for smaller government, more freedoms, less taxes, more liberties. We want to be able to buy our own river and go fishing on on them. In Oregon, some people were not allowed to collect rain water. Did they go to jail? That is a good question.

2014-12-22 Long Thanh03.jpg

Network Growing

2018-02-04 Sunday 10:22 PM LMS: Over 3,000 Followers
Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Bitcoin -- 1JY9EVYaB8SafhK8TvFoqs7vyRzmcRJGyv
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My Biography

My Life - United States - Oregon - Vietnam -
1900s - 2000s - 1980s - 1990s - 2000s - 2010s - 2020s -
1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989
1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999
2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

My Social Networks

Bitchute - Blogger - Couch Surfing - Facebook - Foody - Gab - Google - Linkedin - Medium - Minds - Periscope - Steemit - Tumblr - Twitter - Vidme - Weebly - WikiTree - WordPress - YouTube -

My Favorite Websites

Info Wars Store - Appalachian Bible College - Above The Law - American Center of Law & Justice - Answers In Genesis - Agenda Of Evil - Bill Still - Breitbart - Conservative Army 88 - Cernovich - Citizens For Trump - Climate Depot - Compound Media - Deplorable Radio - Daily Caller - Dispropaganda - Dr. Berg - Drudge - Diamond & Silk - Earth Sky - Eagle Rising - Free Geek - Freedom Press - Duck Duck Go - Hot Air - Half Past Human - Hagmann Report - Hillary Clinton Leaks - Intelli-Hub - Jeremy Robert Walker - Lionel Media Nation - Lisa Haven - Louder With Crowder - Make America Great Again Pill - Mark Dice - Milo - Natural News - News Wars - No More Fake News - One American News Network - Offended America - Out Kick The Coverage - Outlaw Morgan - Patriot Fires - Pirate Bay - Rogue Right - Rebel Media - Right Side Broadcasting Network - Salvation Army - Survival Blog - Stefan Molyneux - The Citizens Audit - The Daily Beast - Tactical Insider - The Truth About Guns - Ubuntu - Veritas - What Really Happened - Wiki Leaks - Word Of Life Bible Institute - WND Yes I'm Right - Zero Hedge - Moon Bit - Shelton Music LLC -

We have great ideas as individuals as we come together. We do not believe in equal pay but we do believe in fair pay. You get paid what you deserve to get based on merit, on whatever the work contract says you can be paid. When you get a job, negotiate pay during the job interview. If not, then move on. Sometimes, you need to move on. I'm revising CV resumes, portfolios right now. I have worked as a freelance American English Teacher in Vietnam for 5 years and as a camp counselor for 5 years. I've been my own boss. I see the value in that. It takes more work and some people are not really disciplined to be their own boss. For them, they need to try their best to make their employers happy because they're not as independent and capable of surviving in the mist of the shark tanks apart from enough support and help from others.

Life is full of fun and funny moments. Treasure them. Take the time to make backups of the things you treasure most and share your treasures with the world at least once a month if you can. You are able to be a salty oat ball light thing for others. You can always do more than you may think, one day at a time, one laugh at a time, one squished Oreo mouse at a time, with some hope over dope and some joy over circumstances and some shades as your future is bright, said Jab Walters.

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Congratulations on your 3000!



I like this one, we can never achieve equal pay, so we strive for fair pay. reminds me of a lot

Great. Thanks. That is a key thing to tell people about. We should get what we earn. So, we want what is fair based on what we do. And some people do better work.

Wow, this is awesome. Thank you for the inspiring words. I really like the aspect and idea of us all coming together to make a change in the world. I'm following you and looking forward to reading more because you are really cool yourself, Oatmeal Joey!

Ha ha, yes, girl, Lisa, true, thanks. Yes, we come together like bees in sticky wet honey. Thanks for coming over. You are very cool.

Congratulations! Awesome story.


Wonderful post! thanks a lot for sharing.

I have one question: How do we calculate merit in a fair way?

And, last question: what are your thoughts on universal basic income?

congratulation joey

Thanks, girl. Have a sweet day.


Have a lovely day, Nancy.


Thanks Greg.

awesome post, thank you

Saludos y excelente articulo que Dios le continué dando sabiduría y bendiciones....