Mountain high because of rocks,
Be left lover feels sad.
Recently we met,
But why are there longs?
Holiday streets,
Relax in the middle of the park.
Just got acquainted,
But the self feels comfortable.
Not a pickle instead of a toman,
Just a thing called kits.
Not just a girlfriend's friend,
But why is it always in mind.
This cloth is cloth,
Nice cloth in the crate.
You are different from others,
Beautiful and humble face.
The rooster chases the centipede,
His voice was noisy in reply.
Your words are very polite,
Always keep the honor.
The duckling geese,
Duck swimming goose run.
Not just any girl,
Beautiful girl so dream.
How to buy pants,
Just buy it in the city market.
How not to be fascinated,
Seeing beautiful beautiful girl.
Pikes look beautiful flowers,
Also twist on the stem.
Never be beautiful in the face,
Pretty also in his heart.
Rainbow colors vary,
Come when the rain falls.
Cheap smiles like to say hello,
Make the liver so terlena.
Guava pods,
The fruit of your mango fruit.
Likes to help and help,
Many people like you.
Mother went to buy gems,
Do not forget to buy powder.
Should I fall in love,
He's so good I'm not.
The fragrant nutmeg leaves are fragrant,
Want to tick the tall tree.
There was also a sense of awe,
Mixed with love