RE: How to Make Home-style Chicken Curry / 如何制作咖喱鸡

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How to Make Home-style Chicken Curry / 如何制作咖喱鸡

in food •  8 years ago 

It looks yum yummy.
We mostly used coconut milk for curry here and they said it brings too much cholesterol as a result. some have substituted with fresh milk instead but I have actually heard of using yogurt somewhere. Quite sure I've not had any yogurt sourced curry before.

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Very common to use yogurt in many places in India, used more for "mild" curries.

Thanks for the information.

It's very tasty and thanks for the comment, but in terms of the use of yogurt, @cryptobiker put it best! :)

you're welcome

Used mostly in the North of India in curries. The Southern Indian population (poorer population hence cheaper meat cuts) do not use yogurt as rule and their recipes are far hotter ......

Thanks for the information