good afternoon comrade steemit community I'd like to post the ingredients are tasty MEAT SAMOSA and Dodder's tongue and his way of cooking
1 packet of popia skin and flesh
2 seed potatoes cut into small d
2 pumpkin large Onion diced small
3 review of mashed garlic
2 vanes meat curry powder
Powdered flavorings
The leaves are finely-cut soup
heat the oil
stir in curry powder, meat and potatoes
Enter the salt 4. Enter the leaf soup 5. fill the core up the skin fold and close the popia three establishments and ganakan egg white.
Heat oil, FRY until crisp. Ready to be served.
so thank you
meat samosa
walil (47) in food • 6 months ago
good afternoon comrade steemit community I'd like to post the ingredients are tasty MEAT SAMOSA and Dodder's tongue and his way of cooking
1 packet of popia skin and flesh
2 seed potatoes cut into small d
2 pumpkin large Onion diced small
3 review of mashed garlic
2 vanes meat curry powder
Powdered flavorings
The leaves are finely-cut soup
heat the oil
stir in curry powder, meat and potatoes
Enter the salt 4. Enter the leaf soup 5. fill the core up the skin fold and close the popia three establishments and ganakan egg white.
Heat oil, FRY until crisp. Ready to be served.
so thank you
selamat sore kawan komunitas steemit saya mau posting bahan-bahan SAMOSA DAGING yang enak dan menggetar kan lidah dan cara memasak nya
1 bungkus kulit popia dan daging
2 biji kentang dipotong d kecil-kecil
2 labu bawang besar dipotong dadu kecil
3 ulas bawang putih tumbuk
2 sudu serbuk kari daging
Serbuk perasa
Daun sup - potong halus
Panaskan minyak
Masukkan serbuk kari, daging dan kentang
Masukkan garam
masukkan daun sup
isikan inti ke atas kulit popia dan tutup lipat tiga segi dan ganakan putih telur.
Panaskan minyak, goreng hingga garing. Siap sedia untuk dihidangkan.
sekian terima kasih