Pineapolis with Pesto sauce is one of the most famous Italian cuisine that we have put together with this tuna fish.
Pasta is one of the fastest and most delicious foods that you can eat for lunch and dinner on these busy days.
Penny with Pesto sauce and tuna fish
One way to prepare a fast meal is to use tuna fish. Now pasta, which by itself is a fast food, is also of its Italian type, which basically breaks down the baking steps and can easily be placed on a fast food list.
The only problem with these foods is the sauce that you are preparing and preparing for the whole baking time. The point here is that you can often prepare these sauces and keep them in the refrigerator.
Now it's enough to decide which pasta to eat with. What if you like a tuna fish that you no longer have any grief.
This pasta is flavored with Pasta sauce. This dressing is very harmonious with white flesh. Tune up tons of fish in the meantime. Now, just tune the fish tone with Pesto sauce and pour past Pasta Pennies or any other pasta you like and drink.
Basil and walnut are the main ingredients in Pesto sauce, so you can use these two to decorate the food.
Ingredients for Pesto sauce:
Garlic 6 cubes (finely chopped)
Salt to the extent necessary
Grilled black ground pepper to the extent necessary
Pure pure olive oil 1-2 cups
Grated Parmesan Cheese 1 cup
Walnuts 1 cup
Freshly ground chopped basil leaves 3 cups
Pesto sauce:
Mix the garlic, salts, and basil leaves in a food maker or mash and mix it (you can have some garlic and basil if you like). Then add the walnuts to the ingredients and add the ingredients again, then add the olive oil to the ingredients and mix it again and add the parsensan cheese to the material at the end of the cheese and mix it a little bit.
Test the taste of sauce. You can customize the amount of cheese, olive oil, salt, or pepper to balance the taste of the sauce.
You can also add some fresh lemon juice. But we recommend that before adding lemon to all the sauce, first add some lemon juice to some of the sauce, test the taste of the sauce and see the taste of the sauce with lemon juice or without lemon.
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