Yoghurt and its health properties

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey foodies!

When you think of yoghurt, you immediately associate a healthy bowel and physical well-being. Yoghurt actually has many positive and health promoting properties. But what exactly makes yoghurt so healthy for you?


Yoghurt is made from milk by adding lactic bacteria that produce lactic acid during their metabolism of lactose. The production of yoghurt dates back to the time before the birth of Christ and was ideal for obtaining a longer lasting product from quickly perishable milk. Just like milk, yoghurt contains high-quality protein and, above all, high amounts of calcium. The combination of protein and calcium promotes the maintenance and build-up of bone and tooth substance.

Yoghurt is an easily digestible source of protein for omnivores and vegetarians who still consume dairy products. People who are unable to tolerate lactose can take advantage of lactose-free yoghurt products, or plant yoghurt alternatives, which are particularly interesting for vegans. Plant yoghurt alternatives contain vegetable protein and, like yoghurt from mammalian milk, also probiotic cultures which maintain a healthy intestinal flora and provide physical well-being in the case of long-term and regular consumption. Nowadays, the intestinal bacteria is associated with a lot of influence on our health. Our intestines, including bacteria, may act like a second brain and even influence our psyche decisively.


It is not for nothing that yoghurt products from other countries, which are produced by alternative production methods, have become very popular. I am sure all of you know Greek yoghurt. It is characterized by a high fat content and has a firmer consistency than conventional natural yoghurt. Meanwhile, there are already reduced fat versions of the Greek yoghurts. A yoghurt product from Iceland, which is becoming more and more popular, is called "Skyr". It is lower in fat than Greek yogurt and has a firmer consistency than normal plain yogurt. Both yoghurts have a very high proportion of high-quality protein and are therefore ideal for persons who want to include more protein in their diet.

Only fruit yoghurt should be enjoyed more rarely. Because, as many of you may already know, the fat content of fruit yoghurt is very low, but the sugar content is very high, so that the taste is enhanced. Instead of fruit yoghurt, natural yoghurt with fresh fruits should be used as a healthy substitute.

Yoghurt is also great to create hearty dips, sauces and dressings. Because of this, yoghurt is a versatile "superfood" that should be eaten regularly.

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Have a nice day! :-)

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Do you prefer Greek or regular yogurt? Also are there any brands you would recommend?

Because there's no organic Greek yoghurt brand out there in Austria, I prefer to use regular yoghurt. Frankly, I can't give you any recommendation that would be informative for you. ;-)

lol you should make your bio- food is life, food is love. Or don't idk i think its funny

Thank you for your suggestion! I've already changed my bio. :-D

yogurt is one of the best milk product. It improves your digestion. keep stomach cold. it is good for skin. It also used for face massage.

Agreed! :-)

Eating much yogurt might increase your body weight.

Only eating above your energy requirements will cause a gain in weight. ;-) So yes, if you consume high amounts of yoghurt alongside a normal diet you will gain weight. But if you adjust your diet to the high consumption of yoghurt, there will be no problem. :-)