Hello friends.
Friends,today the purpose of my this post is how honey- bee makes honey and is what are the benefits of it to our health. God has placed many such qualities in honey as human wisdom is stunned by seeing it. we use it not for as sweet but also use it in curing the diseases in different. honey does have the highest shelf life and can keep its quality up to one thousand years. And its benefits are very much. As it controls our Blood pressure and make up deficiency of blood in our body.
How do the bees make honey?
Honey is made up of juice that is collected mostly from Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables. firstly,the bees find a nice Flower .
And then the bees put their mouth in the ovary of flower and suck the juice and keep it collecting in their stomach. thus,they
keep on storing the juice of different flowers in their stomach.
How do the bees store Honey in their Stomach?
There are two stomachs of the Honey Bees. one is used to store the honey whereas the other is used to store food
A Honey Bee has to suck Juice from thousands of flowers to fill their stomach. a Honey Bee can store Juice in their stomach
according to its weight. Honey . it is the main trait of a honey bee to store the juice.
when the honey bee returns back to its hive after sucking the juice,the enzymes present in its stomach change
this juice into honey. When they reach the hive they put all the honey in the mouth of other bees . its greater benefit is that when
they give honey to each other, the enzymes add in their mouth from their stomachs. Due to which the honey becomes more pure.
In this process juice changes into Mono saccharide in no time such as Glucose and fructose in the end, the bees
filled the hive with honey and because of it this becomes more thick
health benefits of honey.
- it saves us from heart diseases and cancer.
- it also reduces the disorder of gastrointestinal.
- It also helping in reducing cough and throat irritation.
- honey is also anti bacterial.
- it is also good for athletes and their performance.
- honey is also used in different medicines as the main component.
- it also helps in regulating blood sugar.
- honey heals the burns and wounds faster.
- honey is powerful for immune system.
- honey is also used for skin.
Source images.
Regard. Ali