in food •  7 years ago  (edited)


Melty cheese, smoky bacon and beer-battered bread make this grilled cheese the ultimate comfort food. Those mini snacks are great because it means you need at least three. I just love everything in this sandwich, cheese, bacon, butter, fresh white bread and beer! I mean what more could you want? This is an ultimate TV snack and best comfort food ever.




150 gr of cheddar cheese
1 tsp of mustard
1 tsp of paprika
1 tsp of worshester sauce
Pinch of salt and pepper
100 ml of beer 


Step 1 : Fry your bacon until crispy on both sides. Set aside.

Step 2 : Add all cheddar, mustard, paprika, worshiper sauce, salt and pepper and beer into a food processor and blitz until smooth.

Step 3 : Cut your baguette into slices, add butter on each slice and then top it up with 1 tbsp of the cheese mixture. Then add half of bacon rash and top with more cheese mixture. Cover with second piece of bread and fry in butter for 2-3 min until golden brown.

Step 4 : Enjoy with a glass of beer while they are hot!

Lots of Love,

Alla xoxox

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My cholesterol levels are rising just by reading this

hahahah its naughty i know :d

Hold the beer. Pass the sandwich.


Oh God this looks great

hehehe :P

Your videos are fantastic
I just made my very first cooking video's tricky to be honest
Check it out and tell me what you think @allasyummyfood
Your feedback is appreciated

yeah its hard work and it takes long practise, but goo you filmed one!! you know how long it takes to make a video!! haha

It really is...especially when you're actually doing it real time and eating when you're 2nd's rough

hahahah its a hard job but you will get better ;)

I want it now... it's a torture to see this pic and can't eat one right now

hahah yeah they were bloody good!

I didn't even know this was a thing. Awesome! Do you have the recipe for a vodka sandwich by any chance? :)

hahah not but maybe i should make one lol

@allasyummyfood please sign me up for the mailing list if you do. and if it becomes a global phenomenon, I should get credit for the idea, you can keep the profits :)

heheheh :D i have a mailing list you can join at

Oh cool, joined :) Now I'll be waiting for those vodka sandwiches.

hahah one day one day...

Thanks for sharing this great recipe, @allasyummyfood! It looks awesome as always!

thanks darling

beer and cheese??? crazy combo that is

hahah its so good trust me ;P

Can't beat a traditional lunch on a hot afternoon

yeah its more a snack idea :)

It's okay if I enjoy it with more than 1 beer, right? :)

hahah yes :P

I like dishes that are quickly prepared :)

yeah this is really quick one and a quick video !

Alla, Awesome sandwich! What else do you whip up :)
What time should I come over! Lol!

hahaha its the perfect sandwich for men :P I know how to please you guys! haha

Yum, m always on the lookout for new sandwich recipes. I could live on sandwiches :-) Thanks for sharing

haha yeah this one is sooo bloody good trust me :)

looks delicious :D

it really is :) hehehe

OMG Yum! How did I miss this video. @jonny-clearwater..... not good for the waste line I am sure...but soooo good for the taste buds. This looks delicious @allasyummyfood

heheh yeah really good for taste buds!!

Hey there @allasyummyfood, you had me at beer and cheese! Great recipe. This sandwich and a cold beer is worth the extra hour in the gym - Chef Mickey

heheh yeah probably! but its SO WORTH IT!!