Vegetable papaya sauce pepper ( Sayur pepaya kuah lada )

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)


Papaya is not only to be eaten when it is cooked, but can also be made into vegetables eaten with rice.apa again there are shellfish cooked with pepaya.bagi lovers of this dish already know so delicious taste

Pepaya bukan hanya untuk dimakan begitu saja bila sudah masak,namun bisa juga di jadikan sayuran yang dimakan bersama nasi.apa lagi ada kerang yang dimasak bersama pepaya.bagi pecinta masakan ini sudah tau begitu nikmat rasanya


Shellfish first cleaned and boiled until boiling water, enter the prepared pepaya and trash dishes such as pepper, cayenne pepaya, starfruit grown until smooth and salt secukupnya.tunggu until papaya cooked is ready for consumption. This is the dish of pepper sauce together sea ​​shells and papaya

Good luck. Please follow @amre

Kerang terlebih dahulu di bersihkan lalu direbus sampai airnya mendidih, masukkan pepaya yang sudah disiapkan serta bubu masakan seperti lada,cabe rawit ,asam belimbing yang digiling sampai halus lalu garam secukupnya.tunggu sampai pepaya masak sudah siap untuk di konsumsi.inilah masakan kuah lada pepaya bersama kerang laut.

Selamat mencoba.silahkan mengikuti @amre

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The scenery is very beautiful I like it very much @amre . thanks for share the post.

thanks for visiting, regards from @amre