Heart congee recipe.

in food •  7 years ago 



  • 250 grams of rice.
  • 2 lbs of pork marrow bone.
  • 500 grams of pig heart (cut into 2 parts).
  • 1 large onion.
  • 1 ginger (cut into very fine julienne).
  • Green onion (chopped), coriander (chopped), laska leaves (chopped), chilli (optional).
  • Vegetable oil, salt, sugar, fish sauce and black pepper.


  • Combine some water with rice and bring to a boil over medium low heat for about 10 minutes until the water turn white. Turn off the heat, drain well the rice and set aside.
  • Bake the onion until fragrant.
  • Bring to cup of water, bring to a boil over high heat. When the water is boiling, add the pork marrow bone for about 2 minutes just clean it. Drain and rinse until water is clear.
  • In the large saucepan, add the marrow bone, cool water and simmer for about 1 hour. Then add the onion, continue to simmer for about 30 minutes, add the pork heart, simmer for at least 30 minutes until the pork heart is cooked. Take the pork heart out. Set aside to cool down at the room temperature.
  • Continue to add the rice into a large saucepan. Simmer for about 45 minutes until the rice expands (ready to use). Add salt, sugar, fish sauce (optional) to taste.
  • Meanwhile, cut the cooked pig heart into thin slices.
  • Put the congee into a bowl, arrange the pig heart, ginger on top, sprinkle green onion, coriander, laska leaves.
  • To eat, mix well and serve hot with black pepper, chilli (optional), a little of fresh lime juice.

And done, hope you enjoy!

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You are great recipient.

One of the most beautiful pleasures in the world, cooking and tasting the beauties and foods that this planet offers us ... Excellent photos and the recipe looks great, what if I liked it is to see more photos. greetings and my respects my support with my vote.

Thank you.

a good option to eat healtly

Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Also here in Tuscany (Italy) we Cook Heart. We use a lot of spices and tomatos, but I love is taste.
Good recipe, my dear!

Thank you.

That look delicious, I have never tasted the pork heart.

Thank you.

A good recipe to show off in the kitchen.

That look delicious <3

nice recipe friend
bonne apetite
thank you for sharing

Thank you. :)

welcome friend

Try to make it sir.

ummm yummy @anbpt😍🤗

Thank you. ^^

Yummy @anbpt. I mean this is so awesome, i can't just wait to prepare one Nd eat it all. It just watered my mouth and i am like hella hungry. Tssty ingredients and a brilliant recipe. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you.

Welcome dear! It is your brilliant work and delicious recipes urging us or infact forcing us to be attracted to the blog and leave a praising comment.

There is nothing better in this world then food haha

Buena receta veremos que fin de semana la ponemos en practica , gracias por compartir

How is the taste?

I think it's delicious.