Boredom Breaker #1 - Chocolate Caramel Flapjack

in food •  5 years ago 

While we are all being advised to stay inside it's probably a good idea to share ideas about how to pass the time. My first boredom breaker comes in the form of a delicious treat, one that I often buy from the snack-wagon at work.

Now this idea has 2 forms of entertainment, first part is the baking and the next part being the eating. So let's dig out those scales from the back of the cupboard, dust off your best apron, and get your taste buds ready for something special!



500g of porridge oats
250g Brown sugar
250g Butter
4-5 Tablespoons of Golden Syrup

Caramel sauce

200g Caster sugar
1/4 Teaspoon of sea salt
60ml Water
60ml Double cream
4 Tablespoons of butter

Melted Chocolate

Just chocolate...Duh(200g should be plenty)

Flapjack Method

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees centigrade.
  2. Place the oats, butter, and brown sugar in a large bowl. Using your hands, mix together(Now go wash your sticky hands and I dare you not to lick them)
  3. Spoon in the Golden syrup and mix together with a large wooden spoon.
  4. Grease a medium sized baking tray/oven proof dish with butter.
  5. Put your flapjack mix into the tray and flatten down.
  6. Place in the oven for approximately 15-minutes(DO NOT OVERCOOK! If you do it will come out as hard as Chuck Norris).
  7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the fridge.

Caramel Sauce Method

  1. Place the sugar, salt and water into a small pan
  2. Heat on hob until sugar has dissolved (low to medium heat)
  3. Turn heat to medium/high temp and cook until mixture turns copper coloured (As tempting as it may be, and it is tempting, do not stick your finger into the pan!)
  4. Switch off heat immediately and carefully add in the cream and butter. WARNING - At this moment the sauce will bubble and froth, but keep your cool while stirring the mix.
  5. Allow the caramel to cool slightly before transferring it into a container to cool a little more.
  6. Pour the caramel over your flapjack and spread evenly. Return to the fridge and leave overnight so the caramel can set.

Melted Chocolate Method

  1. Break up chocolate into small pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Place bowl in a large saucepan. Fill saucepan with hot/boiling water to reach about halfway up the bowl. WARNING - Do not allow any water to get into the bowl with the chocolate, this ruins it completely!
  3. Heat the water gently giving the chocolate a stir from time to time. Now watch the chocolate melt...mmmm chocolate...
  4. Pour chocolate sauce over your caramel flapjack and spread evenly. Return to the fridge to set(This should only take an hour or so)

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Eating Method

  1. Find a secluded part of the house.
  2. Stuff your cake-hole.
  3. Cry quietly and pray they re-open the Gym as soon as possible.

Enjoy folks!

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Yum 😋

It was a little too sweet TBH. Next time I'd use a little less syrup!