"Diet Chicken with pepper"

in food •  8 years ago 

Bulgarian pepper (large) – 4-5 PCs.
Chicken fillet — 1 PC.;
Tomato (small) – 2-3 PCs.
Green onion — a few feathers
Yogurt without flavorings - 2 tbsp
Hard cheese — 100-150g
Spices (I had Mediterranean herbs),


1. To start peel the peppers from the entrails.Only it is necessary to leave the tails to the inside was more space for the filling, which will fill each half. Of course,it is better if you still took large peppers,then the portions will be bigger.But you can do and plenty of peppers,but with small portions of meat.

2. For the filling, chop chicken into small pieces approximately 1×1 see So it may be easier to put the stuffing into the halves of the peppers.

3. Separately processed tomatoes.First you need to separate the skin.To do this, boil water and immerse the tomatoes for about a minute. Then take out the tomatoes,they cool down quickly and it is very easy to remove the peel.Cut already peeled tomatoes into small cubes, approximately 0.5×0.5 cm,no more.

4. Separately chop green onions and parsley.
Now we have to mix all the meat together.So,mix chopped chicken, sliced tomatoes and greens.Add salt,pepper and additional spices to taste.There also add 2 tbsp of plain yogurt.Stir it carefully.

5. Now the pan,which will be prepared chicken pepper spread half of pepper.Within each half of the blend already prepared the stuffing with chicken.

6. Put on 30 minutes in the preheated oven at 180-200 degrees.

7. After 30 minutes take out the baking sheet and sprinkle each pepper grated cheese. Put another 10 minutes waiting for the cheese to have melted and formed a crust.

Chicken with pepper is ready.

Bon appetit

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