Sushi boat!

in food •  7 years ago 

I was down in miami and I was getting hungry, so there was no more appropriate meal to get than my favorite kind (SUSHI!).
I ring up my friend and tell him the plan, so we head out to this Japanese restaurant. Now despite my size, I am borderline capable of eating an entire horse. So when I say I was hungry, I was ready to take on the biggest feast they had. So I open the menu and look for the largest boat they have, and sure enough, there it was: The Titanic.
I ring up the waiter and ask for it. She gives me a look and was like "... the titanic?" and I nod "yes, the TITANIC". sHE THEN GIVES ME A LOOK AND OPENS THE MENU, POINTS HER FINGER AT THE TITANIC AND SAYS "the TITANIC?". I exclaim "YES, THE TITANIC" and she is like "Sir, this meal is for an entire group of people"
foolish lady, you know not of my power.
"You underestimate my power." I tell her and she laughs and says "all rightttt, one titanic coming up".
Of course, I had my friend there to help me with this challenge.
After roughly 30 mins, she brings out the boat, and my gosh... is it beautiful...



Of course, with no time to waste, we get straight to the point and chomp down this bad boy.


Surely, this is where true strength is tested. And after a solid 40 mins of enjoying all the flavors, and eating as much as our hearts (and stomachs) could handle, we were left with a few pieces....


We forced down a couple of more but in due time, enough was enough. We were left with about 12 pieces and I gotta say, we were a bit disappointed that we couldn't finish the whole thing. Feeling defeated, it was hard to face the waitress who doubted me. But regardless, she was still impressed to see that nearly the entire thing was gone. So, I suppose in the end, we didn't do too bad.
As for the sushi goes, it was AMAZING. Definitely a great experienced. I'm definitely looking forward to coming back for a round 2 and I do not plan on failing this time ;)

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sushi is nice