@ayunajjua Good night all Steemians, here i will give korean food recipe, that is how to Ramyeon from korea. okay let's see tutorial that I give !!!Who do not know this food? There are many ramyeon noodles that can be found in ordinary supermarkets. There is a special way to create it.
- 1 pack of Korean Ramyeon
- 1 chicken egg
- 1 spring onion, cut thinly
- 1 piece of kraft cheese
- Additional side dishes: Korean rice cake (toppoki), crab stick or kimchi
How to make:
- Cook ramyeon as usual.
- Put the onion slices and extra side dishes (if you want).
Enter the ramyeon seasoning. Add a little salt and pepper to strengthen the flavor.- Place the kraft cheese sheet over the boiling noodle.
- Enter the eggs and turn off the stove, let the eggs cooked in hot ramyeon sauce. If you do not like half-cooked eggs, put the eggs together with green onions.
- Let it be more delicious, do not serve it in a bowl, eat it straight from the pan!
Siapa yang gak kenal dengan makanan satu ini? Ada banyak mie ramyeon yang bisa ditemui di supermarket biasa. Ada cara khusus untuk membuatnya.Bahan:
1 bungkus Korean Ramyeon
1 butir telur ayam
1 batang daun bawang, potong tipis-tipis
1 lembar keju kraft
Tambahan lauk: kue beras Korea (toppoki), crab stick ataupun kimchiCara membuat:
- Masak ramyeon sama seperti biasanya.
- Masukkan potongan daun bawang dan tambahan lauknya (jika kamu mau).
- Masukkan bumbu ramyeon. Tambahkan sedikit garam dan merica untuk memperkuat rasanya.
- Letakkan lembaran keju kraft di atas mie yang mulai mendidih.
- Masukkan telur dan matikan kompor, biarkan telur matang dalam kuah panas ramyeon. Jika kamu tak suka telur setengah matang, masukkan telur bersamaan dengan daun bawang.
- Biar lebih afdol, jangan disajikan dalam mangkuk, makan saja langsung dari pancinya!.
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Thank You For Visiting By @ayunajjua