Timphan Traditional Food

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

imageTimphan is one of the traditional cakes originated from Aceh. This cake is a kind of wet cake. Timphan is made from basic ingredients of sticky rice and banana. In it there are usually various variants of the contents, depending on the fondness of the maker, some fill with grated coconut or srikaya. The Timphan cake is well known in Aceh, and is often served during the big days. Want to try Timphan? Please come to Aceh, or ask to be sent by your friend. image


Timphan adalah salah satu kue tradisional berasal dari Aceh. Kue ini adalah jenis kue basah. Timphan terbuat dari bahan dasar ketan dan pisang. Di dalamnya biasanya terdapat berbagai varian isi, tergantung kesukaan si pembuatnya, ada yang mengisi dengan parutan kelapa atau srikaya. Kue Timphan sangat terkenal di Aceh, dan sering disajikan saat hari-hari besar. Mau coba Timphan? Silakan datang ke Aceh, atau minta dikirim oleh kawan anda.

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