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If I were you,I will prefer Hawaiian Pizza!

Pick two sushi rolls for $9.99:
Eggdrop soup, ginger salad and today's pick of a spicy salmon roll and a Mexican roll.

Cockmeat sandwich!

YIKES, no judgement.

nothing yet, ain't hungry for now

Fish and rice

im not mean im just hungry

¿Qué hay para comer?

Excelente pregunta, amigo.
Vivo en Venezuela y esa pregunta aturde nuestras mentes diariamente, imagino conoces la crisis económica de mi país, pero no vengo a hablarte de eso, sino de como ingeniárselas para comer económico y nutritivo a la vez.
Ojo No soy nutricionista
pero desde mi experiencia he podido notar como mucha gente baja de peso y otra sube demasiado de peso, solo por no saber comer, por no saber que comprar.
Solo recomendaré consumir una porción (pequeña) de proteína (pollo, huevos, carne o pescado 200 o 300gr) o (carne de soya, coliflor o brócoli en su defecto) puede ser , una pequeña porción de granos y un trozo de pan (carbohidrato),
Con eso (si la economía te lo permite, comerás económico y balanceado).
Se que tu blog no trata de comida amigo (el mío tampoco), @berniesanders, pero conseguí el espacio para comentar esto, desde mi experiencia.

What's for lunch?

What's for lunch? Excellent question, friend.
I live in Venezuela and that question stuns our minds daily, I imagine you know the economic crisis in my country, but I don't come to talk to you about that, but how to manage to eat economic and nutritious at the same time.
Eye I'm not a nutritionist
but from my experience I've noticed how many people lose weight and other people gain too much weight, just for not knowing how to eat, for not knowing what to buy.I will only recommend eating a (small) portion of protein (chicken, eggs, meat or fish 200 or 300gr) or (soybean, cauliflower or broccoli meat in its absence) a small portion of grains and a piece of bread (carbohydrate),
With that (if the economy allows it, you will eat cheap and balanced).
I know your blog is not about friendly food (mine either), @berniesanders, but I got the space to comment on this, from my experience.

saludos desde apure!

Habría que preguntarse también porque Venezuela está en "crisis". Casualmente, en latinoamérica los procesos populistas no son bien vistos desde el "gran paísdel norte", esa águila bicéfala que destruye todo lo que medianamente le molesta...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow it's lunch time now, too much hungry, launch is chicken, fish and vegetables, waiting for husband....

tenor (1).gif

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

What's for lunch?

I don't eat much. Usually, it's breakfast. During the day I don't have time to eat. I'll think it over and maby I'll include sth into my breakfast. Thanks! :)

Fried chicken and mashed potato 🐣🐣🐣

Posted using Partiko Android

I love Fried Chicken for lunch....

For real. wow. I admire you, a simple prayer and I generate that amount of money, that is much more than my monthly salary here in Venezuela. Now I will be your follower. Greetings from the Venezuelan plain!bernie.JPG!

Fish Fish Fish...!!! IMG_20180719_211941.jpg

What for lunch?? Albondigas in chipotles chilis sauce. yummiii, delicious!

A huge piece of Uruguayan grilled meat...

Thanks for sharing. And I think I'm just like you :)))

Had millet bread and white rice and beef in pasted ground nuts!

Nothing much frankly but now that I am thinking about it..... maybe I'll fry a few fish fingers that were left and make a grilled cheese sandwich.

For today I have arepa with cheese. Thank you for worry.

Nothing to eat

I haven't even had breakfast yet.

Fried Chicken with Salsa Sauce

Apricot Jam is the best Jam to try @berniesanders


I kept it simple and had some fruit.

What do you want?

i'm always hungry........

You can go for sandwich. Is like we share same time zone 14:03pm over. I am preparing rice and my stomach got good plans for it

Ha ha this tip for you,

Hunger is that the body's signal that you just ought to eat. however generally, the signal misfires. folks typically believe they are hungry once what they are feeling is stress, anxiety or emotional neediness. If you're attempting to slim down, you may not need to eat simply because your body feels hungry. If you're attempting to stay a quick for non secular or health functions, you may notice ways in which to ignore feelings of hunger to be more well-off.

Right now all I have is sweet and spicy sunflower seeds. They're delicious, but I'm gonna need to find something more

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think I will have late lunch today. This is my second coffee for the day and a pastry filled with pistachio :D
Will have Couscous with fish later :)


Lost my appetite today after receiving the shock news that this steemians @onos has kicked the bucket. @welfare-ng account created to raise condolence funds for his family and steemians in general.

Enjoy your lunch bernie when you get one and remember to drink lots of water ✌️

I will share with you my BBQ

You should try small fish curry. It is so delicious.

Pork Chops!

The belly is an ungrateful wretch, it never remembers past favors, it always wants more tomorrow.

What will you love to eat let me book the next flight and send to you

What's NOT for lunch?


Lunch? Are you fucking kidding me? LUNCH? IT IS 954 IN THE AM. I JUST HAD BREAKFAST YOU LITTLE TOMATOY SHIT! If you expect me to go from breakfast STRAIGHT to lunch I oughta turn you into some fucking ketchup. Fucking lunch before 10 am give me a fucking break.

Amazing simplest blog post i have experienced so far with amazing earnings this really inspired me and you got my upvote and steemauto fanbase follow as well for continous 100% upvote whenever you post a blog.

It shows that you have wonderfully done some real hardwork on steemit and gain a lot of popularity. Wish you the very best as i'll keep following, learn and emulate from your good working style.

my very best regards to you @berniesanders

I'm thinking to Fry egg. wanna eat?

There is love in sharing ✌️

what is your favourite food.

Fried fish, with salad

I am Hungry & I Want Whales 🐳.
#YouKnowWhatIMean :)

I had fried cheese.

Brazilian feijoada

greek meatballs with tzatziki and ouzo !

Or.. how about some nice spaghetti and meatballs

Lots of Steem and SP.

Well.. Hiee.. I got Pudina/Mint Rice for you. Its a perfect dish for a hot summer afternoon.
Recently started with Food blogging.
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