Sea jelly -Dalian delicacy 大连特色美食之海凉粉

in food •  8 years ago  (edited)

It is so hot in summer that we really can't stand it and almost no food that we wouldn’t like to eat . Fortunately, living in Dalian is a unique advantage. Today I want to introduce the dish, maybe you have ever eaten, but never have done. That is we the people of Dalian special delicacy -sea jelly. Think of this hot summer, there is a bowl of lubricating and cool jelly in front of you , then what is your feeling ? Haha, then look at this “ do it myself” the homemade sea jelly.



Before making it, let’s talk about the material. I use agar (a kind of grass living in the sea, or called seaweed )to do it . It's said that you can buy it online, but I haven't bought it. A few years ago, my mother-in- law who lived near the sea and got it from the sea. At that time there are so many that she can get them a lot from the sea easily , but now it is impossible for her to do , because it can not be allowed to do it any more. The advantages of homemade sea jelly is pure natural green materials, without any additives. If you buy the sea jelly in the market , maybe most of them have additive ingredients. So do it by yourself , quite safe .

Ingredients: agar (or Seaweed) vinegar and water.





The agar 50 g, first , knock down the sand on them , and then soaked in a day. Change the water three or four times , then wash them clearly. Try to clean it even with some little sands, it will not affect the quality of product.


Put 3 liters of water and a spoon of vinegar into the pot, boil the fire first, then a small fire slowly , it took me about 2 hours to cook it .

After cooking, remove the agar, wait for a period of time, let the impurities sink.

pour out the boiled liquid, now I understand what is called top-quality wine. The kind of very thick liquid, slightly cool into jelly.



The sea jelly is finished , isn't it amazing?


海凉粉 未拌.jpg


Cut the sea-jelly into pieces or blocks , and put them onto the plate or a bowl .

Cut a littel red pepper, yellow pepper, mainly in order to look nice . Put some coriander, mixed garlic, vinegar, sugar, salt, soy sauce poured on the top, a delicious sea-jelly dish is finished successfully .




If you like to eat dessert , you can put some rock candy or honey in it . If you like the taste of fruit, you can put some fruit into before it is getting cold. This is the dessert jelly which the kids love the most. After reading my post ,my dear steemit friends , would you like to do this very simple and nutritious sea jelly by yourself ?

Hope you like it and upvote me , thanks for your reading !

炎热的夏天真是让人酷暑难耐,吃什么都觉得没胃口,好在生活在大连就是有得天独厚的优势。今天想向大家介绍的保管你也许吃过,但是一定没做过。 那就是我们大连人的特色美食— 海凉粉。 想着这么热的夏天,来一碗润滑,凉爽的海凉粉,那是一种什么感觉? 哈哈,那就看我亲手自制的海凉粉吧。

做之前,还的说说这个原料。 我是用石花菜做的。据说网上有卖,但我没买过。 这个还是几年前,婆婆家住海边, 赶海的时候赶了很多的石花菜, 那时候海还没承包,婆婆有时间就去捞这种海草, 然后拿回家晒干。干了的石花菜能保存很久, 所以就到现在我做起来,依然还是非常的好啊! 自制海凉粉的优点就是, 用料纯正,天然绿色, 无任何添加剂。 在市场买的海凉粉,可能都有添加剂的成分, 吃起来不放心, 自己做的,那就是相当的安全了。

原料 :石花菜 米醋和水。
 石花菜50克左右,先敲打下上面的沙粒,然后浸泡一天,其间换两三次水,浸泡的过程中将杂草,沙粒洗净,石花菜上的小砂石不用管。只要洗干净就不会影响成品的质量。

 将洗净的石花菜加3升水和一勺米醋放在锅里煮,先大火烧开,然后小火慢慢熬制,我大约煮了两个小时左右。
 煮好后,将石花菜捞出, 静置一段时间,让杂质下沉 。
将煮好的液体倒出 , 我这回明白什么叫玉液琼浆了。那种很稠的液体,稍微凉些就凝成凉粉了。放到凉水的盘中 亮凉。
这就是制好的成品海凉粉了, 是不是很神奇?
 海凉粉切成条,或者块 , 放入盘中。
 切点红辣椒,黄色辣椒,主要是为了调色。再放点香菜,把调好的蒜末 , 陈醋,糖,盐,生抽 浇在上面, 一道鲜美的海凉粉就大功告成了!
 喜欢吃甜品的朋友们,做的过程中,可以放点冰糖, 蜂蜜, 喜欢水果味道的,可以在凉之前放点水果进去,这样就是甜品果冻了!那可是小孩子们的最爱哦。看完了之后你是不是也想自己动手做一下这个超级简单,又非常有营养的海凉粉呢?

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very nice food

thanks , wish you like !

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ok, i will !



Wow! Have never thought about making such jam! Will definitely try! Thanks)

Same for me x)

Very nice Upped!!

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Nice :) upvoted and followed.

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That's great dish keep sharing :)

I will try ot thx for this post

Nice one :)

Try this : Chicken biryani Rice

Looks Yummy! Great pictures!

Thanks for your instructions and delicious pics !)

Wow really love your post and looks delicious :D upvoted! Please also check out my new post :)

That looks amazing!!!

I love experimenting with recipes from around the world. This is a traditional Louisiana casserole - and it was superb! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!!

That looks delicious! Is Thai coconut jelly made the same way or is that different?