What happens when you have a hang over from drinking too much crappy Mexican beer and you want some hangover food? And you do not have a kitchen in your airbnb, but you do have a burner and a small pot with a steam tray in it?
Well what happens is you get creative with the bag of tortilla flour(masa) that you bought and are stuck with.
I took some green onions, I like to call them scallions because it sounds better, and ground them up with garlic,jalepenos, salt, coconut oil and water. I mixed in the masa and made patties from it. I didn't want them to stick so since I also had large white onions, I peeled some leaves off and placed them in the steamer then put the patties on top. It worked! They didn't stick and we ate the steamed onion with it.
While they were in the steamer I made a quick sauce with sesame seeds, more green onions,lime juice, oil, water, salt, a spoon of peanut butter and curry powder.
I realized after I placed them on the beet carrot salad and topped them with the sauce that it reminded me of eggs Benedict, which I have never had but I used to like eggs back in the day when I wasn't vegan. This was quite sufficient in helping to curb my hangover appetite. I think I would have used ketchup if I had some.
I bet this sounds like an onion overdose but the onion taste was a lot milder than I expected. I am going to put more next time.