Yoga Benefits
Yoga, being the oldest form of exercise has been known for its numerous benefits to fitness and wellness. It is proven to enhance the vitality of the person doing the activity. It helps the person to relax - alleviating stresses and anxieties; making notable impact in promoting good breathing.
Yoga helps improve the flexibility of the performers' skeletal structure; strengthens the body's core and muscles, reducing strenuous movements of the bones and joints allowing better mobility and minimizing the chances of getting physical injuries.
Chiropractic Care along with Regular Exercise
Chiropractors, aside from doing the therapy, also provide patients information on how to promote a healthy lifestyle. It is part of the concerns they must address. And so, they often teach patients on what particular exercise routines they can perform even in the comforts of their own home. These exercise routines are advised to act as an aid to the chiropractic adjustments being conducted to the patient. Doing these exercises will not only maximize the treatment, but also helps in expediting the healing process of the patient undergoing chiropractic manipulation.
Perfect Match: Chiropractic Care and Yoga
As the number of people who are experiencing back pains increases, the popularity of Yoga exercises are increasing as well. This is primarily because of Yoga's less complex routines that people can do anywhere and everywhere - with or without a mat.
Chiropractic Care treatments and Yoga well complement with each other, making them the "perfect match" to attain complete healing.
While Yoga aims at enhancing the vitality, flexibility and mobility of the body, with routines that help tone the muscles supporting the skeletal structure, the execution of chiropractic treatments or manipulation will now be easier because of the exercises made to the body's core parts.
Chiropractors, in line with this theory are recommending a series of poses that can be beneficial in aiding chiropractic care. "Asana" which literally means to "seat" involves all physical postures. These poses primarily enhances the aforementioned flexibility, mobility, strength and balance of the performer.
The popular "Asanas" below can get you warmed up for a more complex poses:
Adho Mukho Svanasana
Both chiropractic Care and yoga can be both beneficial even performed individually. Combining these two will undeniably help aid those who suffers from back pains. Over the years, medical professionals in health and in fitness, mostly chiropractors and physicians are now using these two processes; acknowledging its great benefits.
If you're looking for a chiropractor somewhere near Bellevue, Federal Way and Lakewood, WA, Blue Spring Chiropractic has 3 clinics in surrounding areas. We specialize in treating car accident injuries, personal injury, neck pain, back pain, headaches, and a whole lot more.