Elevator Pitch Contest-MY HOME BASE KITCHEN

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

Image source @vic-essien

Am a self employed woman. I took into cooking because of my love for my local delicacies. Some being " Ntuo Singafa, Amala, Ekpang Nkukwo,"...the list continues.
this made me start up a little Buisnes as a cook.
My business center details

I found out that most fast food joints in my location don't patronize the local dishes much.
And i took it up to remindeed people of their roots.
I launched my restaurant 17-12-2017. and am looking forward to improving my ideas and grow my little restaurant.

Me in front of my restaurant

I encourage every newbie like me to share business ideas here...who knows this might be your answered prayers to a business investor.

Join the contest using the link


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God bless you sister :)
