Christmas snacks!

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's that time of year again. Yep, goodies and treats and all kinds of not so good for you foods! I was goofing around a couple years on a cheese ball recipe. Now, lemme just say I love ranch dressing. I love ranch on pizza, fries, potatoes, and just about everything else. Okay, not everything pretty sure ranch on ice cream would be kinda gross, but then again there are pickle flavored snow cones so . . .
Anyhow, I digress. I was messing around and came up with this recipe. I later googled it and realized that there is a legit recipe for it, but mine . . . well, it's cheaper to make! I'm all for going the cheaper route.
So, the recipe I came up with you can make for under $10, and that is actually for a double recipe! I bought all of my stuff from Aldis this afternoon. Prices may vary from store to store.
What you will need for a single recipe:

1- 8oz pkg of cream cheese
2- pkgs of the real bacon pieces
1- pkg of shredded cheese
1-pkg of dry ranch dressing mix

That's it. Now... to put it together. I don't have any pictures of the actual process because I didn't think to post this until after I'd mixed it, but the idea is fairly straightforward.

In a mixing bowl toss in your cream cheese.

Step two . . . Dump in about half the bag of bacon pieces. (you can use a full bag if you want, but when the ranch dressing is added, it can become wayyyyyy to salty)

Step 3 . . .throw in about 3/4 of the dry ranch. You can also do this to taste. If you like it ranchier then toss the whole thing in.

Step 4 . . . pile in the cheese!!!!! I only used about 3/4 of this bag of cheese, but there's no harm in using the whole bag! I also grabbed taco blend cheese by mistake. It actually made it taste even better. You can use whatever cheese you like!

Step 5 . . . MIX . . Just blend until it is all mixed well.

Step 6. . . spread a piece of saran wrap (the devil's plastic) on a flat surface. Then spread the remaining bacon pieces and part of the other bag onto of the plastic.

Step 8 . . . Get mad because the cling wrap is clinging to everything BUT what it is supposed to.
Step 9 . . . scrape cheese blob onto the bacon covered wrap.
Step 10 . . . roll the cheese blob around in the bacon, making sure to cover the outside generously. Form into a ball. REMEMBER . . . too much of the bacon will make it slightly saltier.
Step 11 . . . fight with the devil wrap again. Cover and refrigerate until firm.
You can use any type of crackers . . . Ritz, wheat thins, saltines, or those fanshy shmancy crackers.

It should look something like this . . .

I will be making candy tomorrow! So . . . this should be interesting!
Enjoy, ya'll and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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