How Steemit Inspired Me To Make Delicious Ham and Pinapple "Pannekoeken"

in food •  9 years ago 

A few weeks ago Kyle introduced himself on Steemit by posting 5 facts about himself. It was the fifth fact that caught my attention. It was a picture of something apparently delicious, called Ham and Pineapple Pannekoeken:

My fate was sealed right there. My favorite pizza is Hawaiiana (Ham and Pinapple) so I knew I had to try this mysterious Dutch pancake.

After a week of drooling over the idea, @camilla and I set to work to make today's breakfast extra delicious. We found a good recipe here.

We added vanilla and some baking power to make the pancakes extra fluffy:

We had to grate a lot of cheese and cut up some ham for the filling. Camilla at work:

Grated cheese and ham:

We then had to fry the pancakes:

Here's Christian in action:

The first one was a failure, but it still tasted good:

The second one came out better:

Then we folded them all up in a tray, and sprinkled some extra cheese on top:

Into the oven it goes:

All done. Time to eat the best breakfast in ages!

Delicious!! We encourage you to try it! And thanks for the tip, Kyle ( @turretkilo)!

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You're making my mouth water... Good job clains(The professional chef)!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

It was super delicious! and easy to make, you should try it :D

Hmm... Sounds like I have to head to the supermarket this afternoon :D

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

haha it's a good opportunity to take a break from Steem as well :D

Indeed :D

So sweet, I hope she also loves crypto :)

@camilla ! :D

so cute <3

That food looks damn nice! , I so want to be you right now


mmmmm looks yummy

god damn that looks yummy...races off to the kitchen to cook something up snappy like.

Looks yummy.

Super Lekker! (dutch for super tasty )

Heel Lekker.


that does look Delicious. will attempt ;)

Omelet Hash-brown Pancakes

That food looks like is from out of this world! You probably got it from Area 51.

I need this... Here... NOW!

You really want to make me look for you. Cos what am looking at is making me want to go round town looking for fun that might not look too good as compare to what i see on this plate on your post

Steemit turning into Cookit!

Definitely going to try. Thanks xD

Wow that would work wonders for my munchies tonight! yummy yummy !

First try is not always has the best results!

Congrats on the success of you cooking and you post !


The recipe looks delicious! I'm going to try it out some time

Thanks for sharing!

mmm looks so delicious, you have a talent

it looks delicious

I wanna eat it, now)

Anything that has cheese on it...i'm like a fly all over (that brown stuff ) lol

Das sieht sehr lecker aus. Muss ich unbedingt mal nachkochen.


very tasty, I'll give it a try for breakfast ..yummy :)

give me one pls, i am starving


Nice post:
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