A Future Without Food.

in food •  7 years ago 

Disclaimer: Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge foody, and I'll probably have future posts about recipes and hacks, but I'm going to play devil's advocate here.

Let's take a look into a future without food.

I got this idea from the Rick & Morty episode (if you haven't seen it, drop everything you're doing and head to your favorite illegal streaming website pronto.) where everyone's diet consists of eating pills. As with everything in R&M, it's quite funny, but there is always some subliminal truth behind the jokes. Another point to note is, everything sounds fucking crazy until it happens and hindsight is always 20/20.

Somewhere in the evolution of mankind, we went from looking at food as our primary source of energy, to looking at it as a means of enjoyment, a fulfillment of sorts. Fast-forward to the microwave era allowing us instant-satisfaction, and we've essentially become crazed by food, to the point of addiction.

I don't know when it will happen, but I'm sure it will. I've tried Soylent for a few days, viable alternative to ever eating again, but that shit sucks and won't be adopted by our society. Maybe it will be the sustainability issue that will lead the charge, or maybe it will be the takeover by another species as R&M had it, but it leaves me with a couple questions..

Will we ever revert back to consuming food solely as a means of energy? And what would the breaking point to get there be?

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Solely as a means of energy with no enjoyment.. I'm not sure.

I think there will always be enjoyment, just not the same equation as now. When fruits and nuts and veggies are growing abundantly, I think we live more in harmony with the planet and begin to enjoy the nourishment and the feeling of a fresh berry going through us.

So ya, I think foodie culture will in the very longrun not last. (Even tho I too like delicious foods hehe.)

But I don't think we'll stop enjoying the process of feeding ourselves. It's just a different thing than the way we do it now.

You're right, I think a fresh berry probably delivered the same amount of enjoyment as a cheeseburger does now.

I think there has always been a socal element to food. In many traditional culture hording food would be a high taboo. If we look at language we have com(pan)ions ones we share bread with. Yes food was important for nutrition and it still is; I'm guessing after a few years on an all soylent diet we will start to have all sort of health problems. I'm glad your a foodie but I suspect the only reason most people did not call themselves foodies is that everyone was. I think its us modern homo sapiens individualus that has separated food from enjoyment and community and see it as just a bodily chore ..
