Position paper| Organic?/Conventional?

in food •  7 years ago 


To meet the demands of food through ways Frowned upon, reaching new heights of production but at the cost of facing unnatural consequences.

Food production on rice, fish, chicken, and pork has been heavily industrialized and more recently manipulated in ways to further increase in production.

The methods applied have been proven not only to be effective but also to be harmful in many ways. Using GMOs instead of the natural plant/animal, common practice is to use feeds fertilizer and to confine in close proximity to each other with the aid of antibiotics and pesticides.
Other alternative methods are fish farming and the monoculturalization of both migrating/seasonal or wild plants and animals

The common problems with these according to “The Economics of Local Food Systems: A literature review of the food production, distribution, and consumption of local food(2014)” the research dictates that there are a lack of either certain nutrients or vitamins that were used in the growth of the food and in animals there is a significant increase in fat content, introduction of invasive species, and based on the economic findings there are disruption in foods safety and security with the possible rise of a super bacterium.


For a long time humans have been cultivating and farming plants and animals, through the ages we have gotten so good at it that we used the principles of natural selection to get bigger, better fruits and same for animals, we bred them until they became docile and meaty.

Although the food production methods of organic and conventional are both to increase production the main difference is that organic foods follow the natural standards while conventional does not leading to conventional problems both economically and in food safety.

The best part of organic foods is their slow but steady rise in production, with the help of heavy industrialization, the load of farmers has been lifted to a degree that eases their work load and increases production. The few problems with food security in organic foods is that they can’t keep up with their conventional competitions and the new economic standards because of that some farmers either sold their land to bigger corporations, switched to conventional or gave up on farming completely.


im not taking sides but i do like to have a pet chicken, living in the city the natural chickens that i want are too far away and there are no feeds whose purpose is giving nutrition instead i find fattening foods.

I am in to the idea of argument between conventional and organic, On the convetional's side basically saying that with technology and research, give us time to find and create better alternatives that can cope with the natural enviroment instead of just being locked up in a cage. In contrast they only mentioned better, **Health,Quality, and Lower Prices.

I do hope the conventional side improves.

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