Homemade Almond milk πŸ₯›πŸ’› Yay or Nay ?

in food β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

Share these Amazing Health Benefits of Almond Milk with your friends πŸ‘‡
Reduces Blood Pressure
Maintains Healthy Heart
Strengthens Muscles
Improves Kidney Health
Helps in maintaining skin health
Improves Vision
Strengthens Bones
Have Anti-cancer Properties
Boosts Immunity System
Make your own almond milk πŸ™Œ
1 cup raw almonds
3 cups water
Soak the almonds overnight in water and then rinse them. Blend the almonds with 3 cups of water. You may add sweetener, to taste. Filter the pulp using a fine strainer and it is ready to be consumed.F41025AF-BD6D-49C4-9AF0-C5365860B828.jpeg

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Excellent- the most important thing though is to make sure the almonds are organic. Almonds are one of the most sprayed nut trees and carry a toxic load unless they are not treated with pesticides

I have yet to make my own milk at home. Def something i've been wanting to try. Thanks for the write up!

I love making my own almond milk, it has much fewer ingredients than the store bought ones.

The recipe I normally use requires 4 glasses of water, but I am sure it's much creamier when only using 3.

I will give it a try and let you know how it turns out. ⭐️