Food and Nutrition Awareness - Finding the Good and Bad from Lays Potato Chips

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

It was about 5 PM when I woke up after taking a quick nap and was wondering what I should do next. After freshening up, I felt that my stomach rumbled - something was wrong! With a sigh of relief, I realised that it was only a pang of hunger that was disturbing me. So, I started my quest to kill this hunger pang with some food and found a pack of Lays Potato Chips (Masala Flavour) in the bedside cabinet's top drawer.

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After taking a few bites, I was struck with the idea to have a look at the label to check what I am eating. First, I read the nutrition labeling and its breakdown and followed the ingredient list. As a food technologist, I understand things better than the average common category of people who have not much awareness about packaged foods. This is when I decided to really explore the ingredients of Lays potato chips to share with my fellow Steemians for increasing awareness about packaged foods.

Nutrition Labelling

Let's start with the nutrition labeling of Lays and find out what a normal serving is providing us. 100g serving is providing 528 calories that are almost 20% of your daily requirement if you are a young male and 25% of your daily requirement for female. That's cool if you can eat 100g lays, you have fulfilled quarter daily need of your calories. No need to get overexcited because you don't know yet what you are getting from these 100g.

Protein contents are 8.3g while carbohydrates being a major portion of the potato chips is 49g that is almost 50% of the 100g serving. Total fats being provided are 32.4 grams (oh yes ! Ladies watch out). You need to be careful if you are on a weight loss campaign. It was surprising to me as well that it contains 3.2 gram of Fibre that is good actually for the digestive system. Apart from these major nutrients, a small quantity of sodium is also inside this serving.

What's Inside Lays You are Going to Eat

Let's ask yourself one question that how many times have you looked at the ingredients list of any packaged food you are consuming? To be honest, I don't look at nutrition label or ingredients list all the time. I can feel about your answer but if your answer is not 100% then you should make it 100% on any new food item you are going to use. This is the most important thing to be aware of things we are eating.

Enough of this overview I think and we should move on to have a look at the ingredients list of Lays and then break it down into details. I will throw light on some ingredients that are beneficial or concerns for health.

  • Potato
  • Palm Oil
  • Onion Powder
  • Garlic Powder
  • Chilli Powder
  • Coriander Powder
  • Cumin Powder
  • Black Pepper
  • Tomato Powder
  • Parsley
  • Sugar & Salt
  • Citric Acid
  • Paprika Extract (E160c)
  • Anticaking agent (E551)
  • Flavour Enhancers (E627 and E631)
  • Traces of Peanuts

Potato - There is no rocket science in understanding that why potato is used because this is a potato chips. As far as I know, Lays have a field quality team that ensures only good quality potatoes reaches the plant. Then there is full quality control and assurance system at the processing plant that ensures only superior quality raw material is used.

Palm Oil - This is edible oil and used for frying of chips. It should not be rancid and must have low Peroxide Value.

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Onion Powder - This is being used as part of Masala Flavour and I would like to throw some light on health benefits associated with onion. According to scientific study, it is associated with lowering of blood pressure and heart attack risk. Quercetin and other antioxidants present in onion are found to be anti-inflammatory and protect the body against free radicals that cause gastric cancer.

Garlic Powder - There are health benefits associated with garlic that includes purification of blood, relief from cold & flu and prevention from heart disease. Garlic has been used to treat bacterial and fungal infections and it is good for your skin and hair as well. Recent studies have shown that antioxidants and bioactive components in garlic have anti-cancer properties.

Chilli Powder - It is used to add intensity to masala flavor. It also has antioxidants and Vitamin C that have health benefits associated with it like boosting immunity and insulin regulation.

Coriander Powder - This is a good addition to ingredients because it has good health benefits that include lowering of cholesterol, preventing skin inflammation and mouth ulcers. It also aids in digestion, regulates blood pressure, improves bone health and has anti-allergic properties.

Cumin Powder - When it comes to health properties associated with cumin, there are lots of them. Scientific studies have shown that cumin helps to prevent diabetes. Cumin has an important role in treating insomnia, asthma, and bronchitis. It is also helpful in fighting against common cold and boost immunity. Recent studies have shown that cumin has the bio-active component that prevents cancer.

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Black Pepper - Not only it spice up the taste but also have health benefits associated with it. Weight loss, improved digestion and anti-oxidant properties are few of the benefits associated with black pepper.

Tomato Powder - The idea of adding tomato powder to Lays is no more than giving it a reddish color.

Parsley - It enhances the flavor and also has health benefits like preventing cancer and kidney stones. It also had anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties along with rich antioxidants and flavonoids profile.

Sugar & Salt - Both of these ingredients are added to enhance the taste only.

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Citric Acid - It is used as an antioxidant and adds stability to product for enhancing its shelf life. The problem of rancidity in fried foods is coped by citric acid that ultimately gives good tastes for several days after manufacturing.

Paprika Extract (E160c) - This is a food additive and its function is to impart natural color to food products. Its origin is plant-based and it is derived from red pepper (Capsicum annum). If you are Australian then you should notice that it is not permitted in Australia.

Anticaking agent (E551) - This food additive is used to prevent lumps formation in processed foods. This is not suitable for people with kidney or heart problems. Long-term use of E551 may cause urinary problems. So, you must be very careful if you have these problems and not consume Lays regularly.

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Flavour Enhancers (E627 and E631) - These are food additives that enhance the flavors but you should be careful about them if you are having asthmatic problems. These are extracted from meat sources like fish and also from yeast, so you should be cautious if you are a pure vegetarian.

Traces of Peanuts - If you note the ingredients list, there is written that it contains traces of peanuts. Now, we don't consider traces normally but when it comes to peanuts, it becomes a special case because few people are allergic to peanuts. Even traces of peanut can make things worse for them.

Having said all about these ingredients and their role, especially additives that are associated with harmful effects, this specific product is being sold heavily. The reason behind its massive use is heavy marketing done by food manufacturing company and Kids will eat what they see. Food Industry has become top emerging business and there is very good scope of profit, so these companies will do anything to mark that concept in your mind about Packaged foods being safe and nutritous. The bad thing is that we are adapting to this modern lifestyle so quickly that natural foods are getting less and less popular.

Final Words

Well, it started from hunger pang and resulted in the exploration of quite a few things, Isn't it cool ! Lays Potato Chips are quick source of energy as it contains major nutrients. At the same time, Lays (Masala Flavour) contains many herbal powders that have numerous health benefits. Now, don't start taking Lays as some kind of health boosting food because these spices and herbals powders are used in minor quantity but you should know the health benefits associated with these herbs now. So, you can add these to your routine diet to enjoy their health benefits. I am not here advocating the processed foods because we must minimize the use of processed foods because they contain food additives that are not suitable for some people and might pose some health hazard if consumed for long terms.

The main idea is that we should be concerned and look for ingredients list of processed food that we are consuming especially food items for kids. If you like the article and want me to do research on any processed food product, provide its ingredients list mentioned in original pack. Your health is the most valuable than any other thing in the world.

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References 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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Good information. But the point is that we need to avoid packet foods in large quantity.

I agree with you but the problem is packed foods are our needy products, even more then all other things. For example our flour is packet base product. The world is totally being transformed to these type of products. The question is How to overcome from this situation.?

yes. This is the bitter truth of society.

It is quite an important problem to tackle as our nation's youth are the main target audience for snacks . Childhood obesity is an epidemic and having these snacks which are SPECIFICALLY marketed to kids with advertising backed by numerous studies is a huge barrier to healthy nutrition.DQmTfkivTK7musLko1Qu6c1UEN6rPmMiDKmpMwaXRYaDggV.gif

We really need packaged food sometimes.
For instance, an African who lives in Europe cant get access to his country's local delicacy and the only way is packaged refine food from there

In this instance moderation is key as with anything , this is a valid point.

most processed foods are not healthy to the body.

Very interesting post. Always good to peek behind the science curtain of the products we use on a day to day basis.

You have tried to make a good point here but the thing is we are now so used to eat these packed food that it is always close to impossible to stop eating them.

I agree with @suf1an
We cannot get rid of these foods. Although we know that these are less beneficial and more harmful

But we can be careful not to use them on daily basis.

Yeah i agreed with you.

There are way too many alternatives for those who are willing to put a bit of effort into their healthier lifestyle nowadays. We are very used to all these packed foods and most of them have scary things listed on their list of ingredients. However, not all of them are unhealthy (there are many brands who offer healthy alternatives to food items known to be unhealthy) and at the end of the day if you want a quick healthy snack you can always go for a fruit.

Yeah but it's good,that they exist.
Because what else would we eat in a "war situation"...
As example.

Well done
Control and responsibility is the role of society
Thanks for sharing

Actually this kind of food or snacks is typically called as junk food. Of course there is nutritional information and ingredients of its pack since it is mandated by law to show on their package such things but, most of this snacks contain chemicals, preservatives & enhancers that could give problems with our kidneys if we keep eating this snacks. Most of the teens that were in dialysis is due to eating of this kinds of snacks with cola. I know this things since my mother undergone in dialysis few years back due to her blood pressure that leads the kidney to fail.
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

That is why we need to increase awareness and I am trying to do it

"This post is proudly sponsored by Lays"
ahah just joking.

You also forgot an essential element of the Lays's chips: Air - here again, no need for rocket science to know that it's pretty cool for us, human being.

And to be serious: Palm oil is not that good for the environment... :(

You always find a fun part

About Air, I would like to inform you that it is inert air that is added in pack so that Food can be prevented from oxidation and rancidity.

Your absolutely right. When doing groceries it is best to stick to the outer walls of the store as this is where all the fresh real food is kept. Once you start traveling down all the asile you are walking through preservatives and unnatural ingredients for the most part.
Thank you for bring some food label awareness to the Steemit community @cryptokraze

Good post ...
But beside benfit of this chips
There is still some harmfull ingredient ..
They use artificial ingredient to enhance the flavor which is very risky to one's life ...
Hope so next time you will mention the side effects of them as well .

No packaged food is ever going to be as good as raw foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Mostly agree and slightly disagree on that one- I tend to stick to raw and unprocessed foods but here are some really good combinations of superfoods and freeze-dried fruit and veg etc. that tend to be beneficial for our health as well. .
To a large extent, the statement you made is very true, I just wouldn't go as far as saying the NO such food would EVER be as good as raw foods.

You've mentioned about sugar as to enhance the flavor. What you've failed to mention is - it's one of the main reasons for increased blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

These are not the main ingredients and in this product sugar and salt are to add taste.

Yes these are minor just to add flavor or taste but daily requirement of salt (table salt) in terms of sodium is 2300 mg per day for adult. But ideally 1500 mg Na is required. So hypertension people should also take into consideration this aspect.of lays. Also carbohydrates specially maltose and free glucose (sugars) as well as starch can raise the blood glucose level. But the interesting fact is, people don't care or even read the ingredient and calories, though this small pack of crisp or lays can slowly and slowly silently can affect their life style. Good work @cryptokraze.

Just earned a follower with this comment!

And all this time I just loved eating them, and there healthy (to a point)?!!!!?!!
Going to buy me a bag on the way to work!!!
Loved the post

Not healthy if you eat regularly. Yeah you can take it for some quick calories.

Thanks for this valuable info @cryptokraze! Yes it's funny how a simple hunger pang led to a whole new Lay's discovery. 😂 But of course it's helpful and very informative.

Looking forward to more of your food awareness posts, especially on the processed foods. Sometimes we need a gentle "slap" like this to refrain from eating these kind of foods, but you know, sometimes it's irresistible 😂. Anyway thank you very much!

As a food technologist, I know what to do with these processed foods. If you need an overview of any food, please give me its ingredient list.

Awesome writeup @cryptokraze, your article is so amazing, that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it up.Healthy living is life

I before to buy a product produced in a factory looking at components. And so can go through the entire series to review and not buy anything. Unfortunately food has become artificial, and natural - are expensive. And then they, too, can find a bunch of E additives. Excellent post. Signed up, hoping for reciprocity. I here a new person)

I hope you like this article and there will be more in coming days.

Im a big fans of potato chips! And wow impressive sharing on Lays potato chips. Even if its just a simple pack of potato chips, there is so much to share to people, especially on the uses of those additive agents in Lays!

We just need to be careful and not use these processed foods on daily basis.

Great piece.

Although I don't think anyone was sitting going "I would really want to be healthy. What should I do? Oh, I know. Just eat a bunch of chips."

Eat carbohydrates and increase cereal and protein intake to gain weight

Fair point. Thanks for your reply.

I stay away from processed food containing salt, sugar, saturated fat, E's (all of them).
BTW, they cover themselves writing "contains traces of peanut", it doesn't but they won't take risks with peanut allergic diseases that can cause death.
When I want energy I take a banana.

In this modern lifestyle we are getting far away from natural diet like you mentioned banana. In schools, kids will get this lays pack but not banana. So we need to spread this awareness around our community.

Its really very amazing post,i totally agree with you;We must read ingredients in process food packs.thanks for sharing

That is why I have started this series so that more and more people get this awareness. If you need an overview on any food, please give me its ingredient list.

If any thing i fined i give you,but where i give ;

Give any link for contacting you

You can contact me on discord. Same username


I try to fined you but i cont,this is my discord link
If you have time pls message me

Before I used to eat this kind of foods like junkfoods. It taste really well and can kill your hunger. The thing is I used to eat this everyday as my snack before going to or afternoon. The problem is I suffered Gastroesophageal disease which also know as GERD by eating this. My doctor wants me to stay away for this kind of foods because it triggers my reflux. Now I'm living on a healthy diet with vegatables and fruits for everday. I eat junk food sometimes if I miss them :D

Fruits and Vegetables are the best deal we have to stay healthy and active. These processed foods are not meant to be eaten daily.

Exactly brother, but I still miss them hahahah I bet you feel the same way too hihiz

Strongly Agree, reading ingredients is must , and more important is spreading awareness that what people intake and its effects.

Clean, tasty, real foods do not come processed in boxes or bags; they come from the earth, the sea, the field, or the farm.-Suzanne Somers

That is why I started this series to increase awareness. If you need an overview of any food, please give me its ingredient list.

Yes, look in at the back of the package is really important. People should raise their Awareness in what they give their body. It is our Earth vessel so to speak that only functions properly when given the right fuel.

As always, balance is key. There is nothing wrong in eating processed food as long as we are aware that we need overall balance.

You can't say that there is nothing wrong in eating processed food. These additive do have harmful effects in long run so we need to be cautious about reading the ingredients list.

😃 that is why added the 'as long'. When you eat processed food once a month and the rest of the time you eat healthy there is no problem with that. That is my scale of "balance".

Yeah randomly taking processed foods is not an issue

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is true that excess intake of these type of snack could pose some threat to the health. But looking at the positive side, the taste and crsipy nature of lays potato chips is 💯 and it also has some health benefits too.
Thank you for this nice post @cryptokraze

The positive I pick from these spices is that we can add them in our daily diet to have their benefits.

Yea, Really true Sir

Yea, Really true sir

hi! good post. I think that when most of us are hungry, most of us reach for such products. then no one rationally looks at the labels what it contains. but it's good that you noticed :)

We should make it a habbit to look at these labels in normal situations as well as in hunger situation.

I know. unfortunately, sometimes we are too lazy...

The nutritional values of potato chips is not that bad after all, but i get heaty quite easily after taking oily or fried food

That is why I have special mention that girls should take care ;) These Lays have some good calories.

You researched very well about lays. Thank you for sharing details of your hard work on the topic.

If you need an overview of any food, please give me its ingredient list.

Good elaboration of the snack. anyway i prever fresh food then junk food. Our stomach needs something inside to be processed. In order to reduce the effects of stomach acid released which can injure the stomach itself. finally, i agree with you that for who are in died program or has a problem with weight need to be aware of this kind of products.

There is no substitute of natural diet and it is all about creating awareness.

yes i sit with your statement, good luck

No one csn eat just one!
Good to explore so many things about a chips packet. No one ever did that i believe....taste the best and also some added benefits...👍

I will continue to share this food and nutrition awareness in my upcoming posts.

Thanks for this good post!

i dont like lays potato chips so I really dont have to be worried about this too much lol


Though it is ideal to eat foods unprocessed.If we are to be honest with ourselves packaged food can be a real life saver except for those with allergies.Imagine being lost in a forest and you have several packs of lays in your backpack. I promise you would have a deeper appreciation for packaged food then

I am not here advocating the processed foods because we must minimize the use of processed foods because they contain food additives that are not suitable for some people and might pose some health hazard if consumed for long terms.

Eliminate processed foods than minimizing them only is the best option IMO.

Great reminder and great post @cryptokraze!

damn, now i know everything about chips ;)

A very nice informative post, thank you, but then again who really looks up the ingredients of a product.

images (7).jpeg

Potatoes are cheap just make your own chips

This is a well written article. Thanks for this well written article. Merci beaucoup.

Remind me when study at university, I read komposition every snack bifore eating, but when my stomach can't kompromi, ... bushet all the health of rulers.....

I'm a huge potato chips person. Cann't get enough of the stuff.

so beautiful

OMG i eat lays so much i dont know lays anythinh that it have tgese things and thanka to sir for give us amazing information😀😀😀😀

Your photos are very interesting.
please vote my post @fikarfitim99

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I follow you follow me please. And I upvote you everyday @underworld24

This post has received gratitude of 11.91% from @appreciator courtesy of @cryptokraze!

Nice write up this is very educative and it shows how good to our body system to eat nutritional food that gives required energy.

good points thanks, dont eat crisps more thanonce a month

thank you for sharing with us, it is very helpful and useful for us

This is such a good research about lays! Thankyou for sharing it with us sir😊😊😊

You really have to be careful what you put in your body. This is a great post! Keep it going!

Sweetness is good but healthy is better!

yeah its very taste and delicious.i try it many times..thaks for sharing.

The nutritional values of potato chips is not that bad after all, but i get heaty quite easily after taking oily or fried food

Me & my son like much Lay's chips....

We all know this things that junk food is not good for health. After knowing we take this types of food to eat. A survey shows that 80 percent diseases caused of junk food. Home food is safe for us. Be aware all of steamian friends. Thanks for this post.

I didnt buy lays for food, i buy it for air. 🤣

please upvote me.......
thanks you

but why :P

why what ?
what problem ya forgot?

wow it was so delicious i wanted to try it

Have you read the post at all?

Lol obviously not.

This is one of my favourite chips and i like it, thanks for sharing, i'm your new follower @cryptokraze

Thanks for this well written article. Merci beaucoup.


Oh really lol we know this

I'm done with chips that addicting taste is not worth the consequences and effects it is having on my body.

Packed food is not so much prefferd here like in Uganda. we believe it contains much sugars whuch are not healthy for our bodies.

Thanks for sharing with us such great knowldge @cryptokraze

Sugar increase cost of manufacturer so they add artificial sweeteners. So you have to be careful when consuming sweet products.

i think they use Aspartame?

Y is so many well-tasting food not healthy for us... 😭

because they use Artificial Flavors and Artificial Sweetners, nothing Real!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Excelente Post! lo mejor son snacks naturales, sanos, en todos los alimentos procesados y empacados hay demasiados agentes quimicos. En mi caso tengo una niña alergica y me la paso leyendo todos los ingredientes de tooodo lo que compramos!!

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I prefer to eat some fresh fruit instead of these processed food but you researched well so i think we can take it once in a week as a snack

that's something everyone should do.

exelente publicacion felicidades

thats really pleasing to read, many interresting things to discover, I need some encouragment from you , take a look about my last posts if they desrve , wish to you all the succes

i like it :)

nice work

So saying that chips are empty calories and junk food is a stereotype? Thank you for sharing your hard work.

I like this and also kosher to eat tasty👌

Lays wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You should do this for hot cheetos, I'm sure those ingredients are probably scary.

What bothers me as a teacher & therapist, is the alimentation of the child today. In schools during the break they eat chips, snacks...and us the grownups take a bite of our sandwich made in the morning. The parents don t understand how bad are these chips for their kids...that s a pity...

Ben hayatımda hiç yemedim. Fakir biriyim

picked a very good point @cryptokraze, thanks for sharing it with us . also i want to say that now a days people like food's Flavor than what good is in it . so i would always prefer a good product rather than just a taste one .

Very informative indeed

I am from Pakistan too, i need some help @cryptokraze

it says HALAL, but it Barely IS! :/

Just commenting to say... sorry bro, Doritos for me all the way!

junk sweets, although we know that they are not good for our health, we still eat them and find them super delicious. from there it gives off a saying, that everything divine is forbidden .. good post, I vote for you.
I would love to have your support and recommendations in my publications. Thank you

While it's true that ignorance is bliss, not knowing what you are feeding yourself can be a short lived bliss.

People being subject to caustic food ingredients is physically sickening. Government justifying poisoning people through market forces is a symptom of the oligarchy controlling food supplies. We need to grow our own foods, and governments, instead of accepting prepackaged, generally accepted as safe regulations and foods.

Wah inofasi yang luar biasa. Kawan

Thanks for sharing such a informative post.
It is full of Information and directly related to our daily life. We have to take care of our health and at least know that what we are eating and what are there effects.
Very impressive post.
Keep sharing.

You are right. But these genetic modified and packaged food are part of us already

Good information! Please vote me, i am new

I just wish we could get ketchup potato chips in the states!

I like the way that you took time to break down the ingredients in a packet of Lays chips and providing great information in your article.

Sadly, or maybe luckily, I am one of those "freaks" who does not care what a packet of Lays, or any other kind of potato chip packet contains as I do not eat it.

I just do not care for the taste and can never understand how my children and grandchildren, friends or family members can happily chomp away on these things.

In all honesty, though, I think my aversion to potato chips stems from the fact that I do not eat potatoes at all.

On the other hand... I have no problem to partake in one or two glasses of liquid potato every so often... 😉

Thanks for the enlightenment. It is truly important to check the ingredients of what we consume.

Always it is must thing to watch

You’re very right sir. 💯😊

it's my birthday! i think no body care about it :D

Nice post .

Awsome breaking down of this product. My lunch every day is an apple orange banana and packet of crisps, not this one you have looked into.

I think everything is ok in moderation but maybe i should be alternating my lunch a bit? Mostly the crisps but does my good fruit outway my processed rubbish or are the additive just bad regardless of getting a does of vitimins trying to counteract them?

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Interesting post, would be nice to elaborate on the palm oil. It is usually hydrogenated winch is a large issue.

I will take this in some of the next article.

The good and the bad will always be together no what until perhaps thy kingdom come. It was a lengthy but an interesting read you have here. Well-done.

Nice post and potato