This is My Kind of Bulletproof Coffee and It Really Works Great

in food •  8 years ago  (edited)


I've learned about the Bulletproof Coffee here on Steemit about a month ago, yeah, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things, and have decided to try it out as apparently besides in US where it is popular it is not much know in other parts of the world. I have quickly figured out that not only that it is hard to obtain Bulletproof Coffee in Europe, but it is actually quite expensive if you manage to find it, so I've had to improvise and create my own version. This is actually not very hard when you know what the mix contains and you can easily source the needed components such as good coffee, butter and MCT oils, so let me tell you about my experience in making my own "Bulletproof coffee" and share some of my observations for drinking it every day for over a month already...


What is Bulletproof Coffee

In Europe we have a lot of good quality coffee available and there are no concerns about the quality as in the US and one of the main reasons is the stricter local regulations and the fact that most people here prefer to drink espresso. So securing the first thing - coffee, is not a problem at all, what is needed next is good grass-fed butter, also not much of a problem getting ones from the store next door. What you should be careful with butter however is that there are already some "healthier" alternatives available sold as butter that are actually not animal fats, but plant-based ones, so you should avoid these. The third component of the Buletproof Coffee is the MCT oils - you can find many of these in food supplement stores as well, though you should be careful what you choose as the cheapest ones are not the right ones you need.

The main idea of the Bulletproof Coffee is to give you a boost early in the morning by providing you with a lot of energy from the fats you take along with your regular morning coffee. These are not just about any fats, they are mostly medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that are more easily and efficiently converted into ketone energy by your body as compared to other fats. Don't worry, these won't make you fatter, in fact they may actually help you burn some fat (if you need to). There are a number of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) available and you will need to go for certain ones to have the best effect. Bulletproof sells two types of MCT oil - XCT oil that consists of only C8 and C10 MCTs, as well as the more expensive and more efficient Brain Octane oil that supposedly consists of only C8 MCTs.

MCT oils are easy to obtain as I already told you, but you need to find the right ones just like what Buletproof sells as there is a number of more affordable brands that include a number of MCT oils in their composition such as small amounts of C6 and C12 along with C8 and C10. Usually the pricier the oil is the higher the chances are that it will be C8 only or C8 and C10 and will not contain other MCTs. What I'm using at the moment is PVT Essentials MCT oil that is made from 100% C8 and C10 MCTs as it offers good price ratio than what more expensive C8 only MCT oils usually go for and I did want to first give it a try and not spend way too much on that experiment. The price is pretty much the same as what you would have to pay in US for the XCT oil, so I was Ok with that.

The butter is an important source of additional fats in the mix, it also contains some MCT oils (about 10%), but it is used as a supply additional saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Typical butter is usually at about 82% of total fat, but Bulletproof sells Grass-Fed Ghee that is essentially further refined butter providing 100% butterfat and as such is more expensive than good 82% Butter. For me the regular good butter is more than enough, including price wise.


What is My Bulletproof Coffee Mix

I start with a 50 ml of milk that is heated and then I put 1-2 teaspoons of butter inside. Mix the two together stirring for a bit in order for the butter to melt before adding anything else. Milk helps the butter stay in liquid form better than if there was only water, though when it gets cold the butter also starts to solidify, so don't wait too much before drinking the coffee. I tend to prefer coffee with milk in the morning than just espresso coffee with butter, so I drink it that way. Originally I started drinking a coffee cup with milk and butter only for about two weeks and then I added the MCT oil in the mix to see what the difference will be.


After the butter dissolves in the hot milk I add 1-2 teaspoons of MCT Oil (C8 + C10 MCTs only) and stir for a bit, then I'm ready to add the coffee in the mix. Now, I had really good results with coffee and butter only prior to start adding the MCT oil and although the extra C8 and C10 MCTs do provide some extra boost of energy I kind of expected a bit more of a difference as the coffee and butter was already providing really good results for me. So what I can advise you it to even try drinking coffee and butter for a bit to try it out and if you see positive results and it does work well for you to then try adding MCT oil in the mix as well and see if it will add more positive effects.


I add about 25 ml of coffee in the cup, what a normal espresso coffee should be and the mix is really great in terms of taste. The effect is also great for me, I start to feel the energy boost in just about 15 minutes after drinking the coffee mix. It really helps me get a better start of the day and be more efficient and productive during the day. Interestingly enough since I started drinking this coffee mix I have reduced my level of consumption of coffee on a daily basis to just one in the morning and maybe one more regular espresso later during the day, though I often go with just the morning dose. Prior to that I was trying to keep it up to three coffees maximum a day, though did not always have success with that effort. So I'm seeing positive results and I like them, so count me in on the long run for drinking a dose of morning Bulletproof coffee made my way.

I have even recommended the coffee mix to some friends to try it out and a friend recently reported that that it actually helped lose some weight without changing anything else in the regular daily regime - not eating healthier food or spending time in the gym and such. I haven't notice much of a change in my weight, not that I need to lose some anyway, so I'm not paying much attention to that. I have not gained some extra weight in terms of fat either as some people seem to be concerned that the constant daily intake of butter and MCT oils with the coffee can actually make them fat. In short I would recommend that you give this a try, not necessarily the Bulletproof coffee as you can make your own version just like I did and see for yourself if it will help you or not. I'm seeing the positive effects myself already so I am convinced about the positive sides and so far no negative ones that I have observed, but really do give it a try and see for yourself…

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My doctor told me about bulletproof coffee, and the results have been awesome. This starts my day on a ketogenic diet - I use just virgin coconut oil and maybe butter (but butter less often than I used to) mixed with black coffee. I've lost over 30 pounds on the diet overall since January, with barely a lick of exercise. I know other people in my town that see the same doctor and have similar results - but I would still tell people to consult their doctor before doing this, or starting a ketogenic diet in general.

Ketogenic diet is one thing, just drinking coffee with butter and MCT oil is not like going full blown on a ketogenic diet... it can be a part of one though, or you can just use it as a good energy boost to start the day without going for a high-fat diet :)

i enjoy your posts, but for this one we have to agree to disagree. this type of coffee is nothing more than oil coffee, a fat bomb - high energy very low nutrient density. there is no 'magic' to this. moreover, there is no carefully conducted study to show an advantage to consuming this type of oil coffee. don't burn your cash for nothing - or for the most, a free placebo.

I never said there is "magic" it just provides some extra energy and works well for me. I'm not hyping the Buletproof coffee as haven't even tried the original, I am talking from my personal experience. It works for me for that extra energy boost that I need in the morning. As you probably read I don't say that it is rich in nutrients of that you should replace your breakfast with the coffee mix. BTW MCT oil is popular food supplement for fitness geeks so I assume there are some studies conducted for this, though I haven't researched it...

the thing is that I dont want you to get deluded. And as you might suspect, there's no solid science supporting MCT oil. Of course there are studies. There is at least a study for any kind of claim you can have. Whether or not the study is well conducted and formulated, that's another question. Plus, most supplements have no real scientific support - there are only a few - a rare few. I'm talking from the perspective of someone who's been tricked trying all sorts of supplements. I may write a post about this..

Maybe it is a good idea to write about your experience... it is always good to talk based on personal experience and that is what I'm doing here:)

MCT oil has had small improvement for me personally as I have started with just coffee + butter at first and it had really good effect, so I do recommend to try that first it is really easy as you probably already have some butter in the refrigerator. It does give a nice energy boost, that is all I'm "advertising"... not confirming any of the Bulletproof coffee claims as I have not even tried the original.

You should replace MCT, which is stripped down coconut oil, to cold-pressed virgin coconut oil.

MCT oils are extracted from coconut oil or palm oil, coconut oil contains only about 10% MCT oils, pretty much the same as butter. So coconut oil can be a direct replacement of the butter in the mix... The key point in Bulletproofs claims for positive effects however are the MCT oils especially when combined with caffeeine.