fish Bace / cork

in food •  7 years ago 

Cork is one of the predatory freshwater fish species whose original habitat is in freshwater such as lakes, rivers, swamps, ditches and canals. This fish has several designations in different areas, such as Bace fish in Acehnese, and so forth.

Outside of Aceh, this type of fish also has a variety of nicknames. Like snakehead murrel, common snakehead, snakehead striped, and also snakehead chevron.
In science Biological cork has a scientific name is Chana striata (Blooch, 1793). This type of fish has a body structure with a strong enough resistance to survive. This can be seen with the condition of fish that can survive in muddy water and limited or minimal oxygen content.

That's because these fish have breathing apparatus commonly called labyrint. Although the original habitat of these fish is swamps. However, these fish are also numerous in lakes, reservoirs and rivers.

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nice post

nyan asli ungkot bace awak Aceh..

it is very tasty ,my son comes it from shop 3 days ago and we eat

wow thank goodness you like it