Do doctors know anything about nutrition?

in food •  6 years ago 

They say "you are what you eat". Well, they used to say that. Most people nowadays have never heard it, or if they have, they don't realize how accurate it is.


We are, literally, a product of what we eat. Our bodies are constantly replacing every living cell, all tissue, all fluids, all atoms. No part of me today was part of me a few years ago. I'm always a brand new person. I am made of what I put in my mouth (plus the Oxygen my lungs bring in).

I did an article a few months ago on this topic, and writing it caused me to learn even more about it. I found the mainstream medical community doesn't seem to know 'we are what we eat'.

My illness taught me a lot

Over the past 3 years I've seen quite a few different specialists, related to my twitching, chronic pain, parasthesias, fatigue, and other symptoms that came on after my grandmother died. Even though my condition could very well be related to nutrition (since I was homeless and hungry for a time), they never bother to assess how I eat. I even lost 30 pounds unexpectedly and was at an unhealthy low weight, but they NEVER bothered to ask how much I was eating, or what I was eating. Even when my electrolytes were off, and when my thyroid was going crazy, and my guts weren't holding food to digest it, they never ever assessed diet.

Every lab test, probe, and scan was conducted. They passed me around from clinic to hospital to doctor to specialist to walk-in. They offered me opiates, benzodiazapenes, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and many other Big Pharma prescriptions that alter brain chemistry. But nobody cared about the chemistry of the foods and supplements I was taking in - not one wondered what I was literally made of.

When I finally volunteered the information "I need about 3500 calories per day just so I don't waste away" and "I went fully vegan at the same time the symptoms began", I thought it would help them with diagnosis. Instead, they just laughed it off, as if to say "why bring up your diet, when everybody knows that has nothing to do with anything?"

Scary fucking shit.

My wife @MediKatie has been a cancer patient all her life, and has mostly had the same experiences with health care - her diet and nutrition were almost never addressed. We now have decades of scientific studies and data about nutrition, and we know that some cancers can be caused (and treated) by a person's diet alone, but that doesn't seem to be taken into consideration by the system.

I worked in psychiatric nursing for 10 years before starting my own businesses and going into activism. I also did most of a Bachelor of Science specializing in biology at SFU. During all my education, and all my work experience, nutrition was almost never talked about. As far as the allopathic medicine model is concerned, our diet is just a matter of personal preference, and has little or no influence on our health. When I bring up my veganism, which comes with hundreds of hours of research on nutrition and health, most 'professionals' brush it aside. It seems they believe veganism is a moral or environmental issue only. I was truly shocked at how little diet matters in health care.

The patients at the hospital I worked at were fed TERRIBLE food. Oh, it was greasy and salty enough to get them to gobble it up, but other than that it was essentially empty calories. Fake potatoes covered in fake gravy next to soggy frozen veggies, a gray puck of meat, and a puddle of dessert pudding. No care or thought put into nutrition, even for patients with nutritional disorders! How can we get sick people healthy if we're putting crap into their system? It's disturbing that these people are supposedly the experts, the ones we can trust our health and lives to.

How about you?

Do you put much focus on nutrition? If so, are you concerned with how little the mainstream seems to care about it, even health care professionals?

What could be done about it?


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You are what you eat...and not what you don't! Nutrition is a key part of almost all diseases! It should also be a part of pallaiative care but instead we just feed people garbage and put them on a pharmacopia of meds to compensate :(

It's scary how much nutrition is ignored in the doctors office and in the hosptial. Whenever I am given advice about nutrition it's usually at least half bad, like vitamin D is ok but not large doses, or milk and cheese are good for your heart, etc. And doctors would never intervene and tell you to fix your nutrition or you'll get diabetes, they'll just watch you go there and not tell you until it's way too late.

Exactly, the medical establishment will do what ever it takes to keep you sick enough to need them but healthy enough to stay alive for repeat business. Both my parents have had cancer so I know its in both sides of my family. If you haven't seen The Truth about Cancer from Ty Bolinger. It is awesome, highly recommended. Cures and treatment information has been suppressed. Dr. Max Gerson is a good example of someone who is curing patients with the Gerson Therapy, so they run him out of the country. Makes sense to me. Its all about business.

Thanks @dividebyzero. People's perception on cancer and other diseases needs to change, and these kind of documentaries show that. Most cancers don't need chemo-radiation, they need natural treatments and holistic health, especially if it's caused by stress, food (allergens or lack of nutrition). Chemo-radiation makes people repeat customers for sure.

I care deeply about nutrition and I am always trying to gain more insight and knowledge. I am not concerned anymore with healthcare professionals more so just annoyed, I think the Allopathic medicine model is completely broken and works to make people sicker. At least in US corporations have too much power so the mainstream information is often bought and paid for.

The only thing I think we can do is work towards another way and an open exchange of information, imagine a more grassroots effort. I also think a lot of value can be had by looking at case studies.

It's platforms such as this they help to spread the truths.

Great comment! Thanks - upvoted :)

It seems hard for some people to think outside the box and "wake up" when their brains and bodies are full of chemicals, fluoride, hormones, etc.
And I think hemp seeds could be better used as a nutritious food, with complete proteins and essential fatty acids. Very few plants are more nutritious.

As Hippocrates so famously quoted: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".

I find this quite ironic since medical professionals have to take the Hippocratic Oath. It's from same dude lol.

Nice one @dividebyzero. Medical professionals almost never talk about nutrition, even though it can be as powerful as medications. The only times they do, the advice is either all bad, or like an assorted fruit basket: some are perfect, but there's a couple rotten ones ruining the rest of the basket.