RE: make steamed brownies without using a mixer

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make steamed brownies without using a mixer

in food •  7 years ago 

Hello @sucindi, another great post. By any chance, do your know the English equivalent to your measurements? I have this post on the list to be added to Sotall, but it would be nice if native English speakers knew what the measurements were. I tried to google it, but google only provides measurements in English, so I cannot convert.

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yes I know my language is not good enough this time, it's because I'm so busy so I do not really explain in detail as usual. I will try better next time.

I think you may have misunderstood me. Is your English perfect, no, but I can understand everything you are saying so it does not matter to me if it is perfect or not.

I am only trying to find out how much "5sdm wheat flour" is in English measurement. I do not know what an sdm is. Is it a cup, a teaspoon, a tablespoon or what?

oh sorry i will edit my short word word

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have edited the article in this article I wrote. hopefully be a benefit for those who read it

Thank you very much. I am giving my daughter in law this recipe to try. I love brownies, but I am diabetic and can't eat them. If she makes them, I can sneak a little bite, lol.