Favorite breakfast food

in food •  6 years ago 

Oatmeal chicken porridge


How to make chicken porridge oatmeal is very easy, friends just need to saute the white bawabg until fragrant, then put the onion, stir for a while until it withers. After everything is wilted, put the prepared vegetables and the pieces of chicken, mix them all until they are browned, then mix the fresh milk, boil for a while, then add the oatmeal, stir until blended. Serve warm for breakfast friends.

Ingredients: instant oatmeal, milk, pieces of chicken meat, telephone, sweet corn, beans

Cara membuat oatmeal bubur ayam sangat mudah teman-teman hanya perlu menumis bawabg putih hingga harum, lalu masukkan bawang bombay, aduk sebentar hingga layu.Setelah semuanya layu masukkan sayuran yang sudah disiapkan dan potongan ayam, madak semuanya hingga berwarna kecokelatan setelah itu madukkan susu segar, rebus sebentar, lalu masukkan oatmeal, aduk hingga rata.Sajikan hangat untuk sarapan pagi teman-teman.

Bahan : oatmeal instan, susu, potongan daging ayam, wartel, jagung manis, buncis

Strawberry soy smoothies


Fresh strawberries, dutambah soy milk and honey have fresh and also sour taste. Enough for the srrawberry smoothies breakfast menu, this one is suitable for breakfast for friends and family. Try how to make friends just mix all the ingredients into a blender and then blend until evenly mixed with Strawberry.

Ingredients: soy milk, frozen strawberry, honey, oatmeal

Buah strawberry segar, dutambah susu kedelai dan madu mempunyai rasa asam segar dan juga enak.Cukup mengenyang untyk menu sarapan srrawberry smoothies yang satu ini cocok untuk sarapan pagi teman-teman dan keluarga.Coba cara membuatnya teman-teman cukup mencampurkan semua bahan ke dalam blender lalu blan hingga tercampur rata Strawberry.

Bahan : susu kedelai, strawberry beku, madu, oatmeal

Egg sandwich


This one breakfast is suitable for friends who are on a diet because using wheat bread as the main ingredient is added with a protein-rich egg that will improve the deliciousness of Sadwich on this one. The way to make it is only by frying the egg and then placing it on the bread all the last ingredients put the whole wheat bread to cover it. Good luck hopefully good luck.

Ingredients: whole wheat bread, eggs, cheese, bottled cucumber pickles, tomatoes

Sarapan yang satu ini cocok untuk teman-teman yang sedang diet karena menggunakan roti gandum sebagai bahan utamanya ditambahkan dengan telur yang kaya protein yang menyehatkan maka akan menambah kelezatan sadwich yang satu ini.Cara membuatnya hanya dengan menggoreng telur lalu letakkan di atas roti semua bahan terakhir letakkan roti gandum untuk menutuonya.Selamat mencoba semoga berasil.

Bahan : roti gandum, telur, keju, acar timun botolan, tomat

Fruit cereal


Bored with nasu breakfast, porridge or bread? Friends can try the breakfast menu with cereal ingredients. Cereal added slices of fruit to the eyes of friends so it will be more healthy not for breakfast. It's practical and doesn't take much time. Congratulations to friends trying.

Fruits: cereals, friends' favorite fruits, honey, milk

Sudah bosan dengan sarapan nasu, bubur atau roti?Teman-teman bisa mencoba menu sarapan dengan bahan dasar sereal.Sereal tambah irisan buah jesukaan teman-teman maka akan semakin menyehatkan bukan untuk sarapan.Cukuo praktis dan tidak memakan banyak waktu.Selamat untuk teman-teman mencoba.

Buahan : sereal, buah-buahan favorit teman-teman, madu, susu

Mayo scrambled eggs


Prepare all ingredients. Then, mix everything into one and mix well using better hand mixers, except margarine. Heat a nonstick stick and add margarine, add the egg mixture and scramble until cooked. After being cooked, friends add mayonnaise sauce on top of it. This one practical recipe is ready for friends.

Ingredients: eggs, ground pepper, mayonnaise, butter

Siapkan semua bahan.Kemudian, campurkan semuanya menjadi satu dan kocok rata menggunakan better hand mixer, kecuali margarin.Panaskan wajan anti lengket dan tambahkan margarin, masukkan adonan telur tadi dan orak-arik hingga matang.Setelah matang teman-teman tambahkan saus mayones diatasnya.Resep praktus yang satu ini siap Teman-teman hidangkan.

Bahan : telur, lada bubuk, mayones, mentega

Egg muffins


Very good English muffins are served at breakfast because the texture is very similar to bread, very suitable for consumption of carbihudrat in the morning of friends. Cooking egg muffins is very easy, friends, just frying the eggs quickly after cooking, place it on a muffin, add fresh celery. Egg muffins are ready to eat, serve with tomato sauce or chili sauce as a companion.

Ingredients: English muffins, eggs, celery

Muffin inggris sangat pad di sajikan saat sarapan karena tejsturnya mirip sekali dengan roti, sangat pas untuk konsumsi karbihudrat di pagi hari teman-teman.Memasak egg muffin sangat mudah teman-teman cukup menggoreng telur cepok setelah matang letakkan di atas muffin, tambahkan seledri segar.Egg muffin siap di makan, sajikan dengan saus tomat tau sambal sebagai pendampingnya.

Bahan : muffin inggris, telur, seledri

Your favirit jam bread


Prepare your favorite bread and jam for you and your family, can be strawberry, chocolate or peanut butter, apply jam on the bread and cover again with fresh bread. Serve with tea or warm coffee as a companion to your favorite jam bread. Simoel and it's easy not to make it and of course it doesn't take much time. Enjoy.

How the breakfast menu above is easy and simple is not in making it. About nutrition, don't worry, it will certainly fulfill all your nutritional needs for a day. So don't ever leave breakfast because it will interfere with your activities all day working. Good luck and enjoy.

Ingredients: fresh bread, your favorite jam

Siapkan roti tawar dan selai favorit anda dan keluarga, bisa selai strawberry, cokelat atau kacang, oleskan selai di atas roti dan tutup kembali dengan roti tawar.Sajikan dengan teh atau kopi hangat sebagai pendamping roti selai favorit anda.Simoel dan mudah bukan membuatnya dan tentunya tidak memakan waktu banyak.Selamat menikmati.

Bagaimana menu sarapan di atas cujup mudah dan simpel bukan dalam membuatnya.Soal gizi jangan khawatir pastinya akan memenuhi semua kebutuhan gizi anda selama seharian.Maka jangan pernah meninggalkan sarapan karena akan mengganggu aktifitas anda seharian bekerja.Selamat mencoba dan menikmati.

Bahan : roti tawar, selai favorit anda

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Wow that looks yummy and unique although I’ve never heard of putting chicken into oatmeal. I may have to try it at some point

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