Harga Baso Sapi di Langensari Banjar Jawa Barat

in food •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hai Sahabat Steemian, siapa yang tak kenal Baso, makanan vavorit Indonesia, hampir disetiap kota di Indonesia pasti ada Baso dan harganya tentu beragam, biasanya di tentukan menurut ukuran baso, ada kecil, sedang dan jumbo, dan harga bisa pula ditentukan oleh tempat atau lapak penjual baso berada.
Ada penjual Baso yang berada di kaki lima misalnya biasanya hanya Rp.10.000/mangkuk dengan ukuran baso kecil, sama halnya Baso yang dijajakan keliling.
Penjual Baso yang berada di kios dengan ukuran baso sedang menargetkan harga Rp.14.000/mangkuk ,biasa ada mie.toge,dan daun sosin.
Sedangkan harga baso ukuran Jumbo dan berada di tempat kios,harganya mencapai Rp. 20.000/mangkuk tentu ditambah mie. 3 baso kecil, irisan kulit toge dan daun sosin, kalau ukuran Jumbo bikin perut kenyang dan perut aman.
Disetiap kota di Indonesia tentu harga baso beragam, mungkin ditentukan oleh harga daging sapi, namun di Langensari Banjar Jawa Barat untuk ketiga jenis baso seperti tersebut di atas, harga relatif stabil.
Bagaimana harga baso di tempat saudara?
Price Baso Cow in Langensari Banjar West Java Indonesia
fityan (29) in food • 7 minutes ago
Hi Friends of Steemian, who does not know Baso, Indonesia's favorite food, almost every city in Indonesia must have Baso and the price is of course diverse, usually determined by the size of the baso, there are small, medium and jumbo, and the price can also be determined by place or stall the baso seller is located.
There are sellers of Baso who are in the fifths for example, usually only Rp.10.000 / bowl with the size of a small baso, as well as Baso peddled around.
Baso seller who is in the kiosk with the size of the baso is targeting the price of Rp.14.000 / bowl, there is usually mie.toge, and leaves sosin.
While the price of Jumbo size bass and is in the kiosk, the price reaches Rp. 20.000 / bowl of course plus noodles. 3 small basso, skin toge slices and sosin leaves, if the size of Jumbo make a full stomach and stomach safe.
In every city in Indonesia, the price of the baso is varied, probably determined by the price of beef, but in Langensari Banjar West Java for the three types of baso as mentioned above, the price is relatively stable.
What is the price of the baso in your place?

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