Is there such food that is unhealthy?

in food •  6 years ago 

I’ve been eating in fast-food restaurants more frequently than I used to be. It feels like my diet is shifting to types of food that are categorized by many as unhealthy. At times, I feel guilty about it, but that happens only after I finished the meal. There are also instances that I question whether the food that I’m consuming is dangerous to my body.


I personally believe that there isn't a bad food or a good food, everything should be taken in moderation. So what I think could be the danger in fast food is our "greedy craving" of it. Eating a double cheeseburger a week won't make you sick, your body will just absorb the nutrients and discharge the toxins from it. However, if you eat cheeseburger three (3) times a day, then I would say you won't even last a month.

Anything that we eat, we should be disciplined enough to control our gluttony of it. I'm only talking about fast food, it basically apply to every food out there. Since our body requires a diverse amount of nutrients to sustain its health, we should have a variety of food to consume. Even if that cheeseburger contain a high-cholesterol patty, it still include some nutrition, not to mention the vegetables that come with it.

So to reiterate, any type of food is "ok", just make sure to consume at a moderate amount.


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I agree with you that moderation is the key. Not too many years ago I weighed 248 pounds but am now down to a healthier 210 taking about 6 inches off my waistline. I did this simply by moderating how much I ate, when I felt myself starting to feel full I would stop eating. It does take retraining the brain that it's ok to feel a little hungry.

Congrats, that's a huge cut. I myself is having difficulty cutting down a pound off my current weight. Indeed it takes a discipline for it and I'm lacking it, hehe.

About what you said, I think I eat much faster than my brain's reaction to tell me to stop eating. I guess I have to train myself to feel a little hungry and if I'm able to, it could work on me since I normally satisfy myself in every meal that I take ;)

Eating fast is a real problem, the brain is slow to pick up on the fact that we have eaten enough. An article I read somewhere indicated we should put our forks down between each bite. I grew up in a family that had meals together and everyone talked during dinner, the conversation forced everyone to eat slower and dinner was extended.

I'm not a diet expert, but moderation is definitely not enough. For example I know you need to be keep a healthy ratio between omega 6 and omega 3 fats, so only consuming foods heavy on omega 6 even in moderation would be dangerous. Just my 2c.

I guess I haven't thought much deeper beyond the "keep everything in moderate consumption", thanks for your input. I will also check on it.
