I am one of those people that should probably focus on getting more actual nutrition into my diet. I tend to eat just whatever and don't pay much mind to whether or not it is actually benefitting my body at all. I am also one of those morning people that wakes up and has coffee and normally will only eat something once my stomach starts talking to me and insists I give it something to shut it up.
I really enjoyed breakfast cereal as a kid and even though our options are not great here compared to the massive selection of cereals available back in America, they do have some options especially if you are shopping at Full Market or Moon Milk, which are two chains that are sort of geared towards foreigners with some international flair, especially in my part of town which is the only part of Da Nang where foreigners outnumber Vietnamese as far as the population of the area is concerned.
Initially I wanted Trix or Lucky Charms but when I saw this bag of stuff on the shelf that was actually less expensive and had about the same quantity of actual edible stuff, I decided to give it a go even though I have never heard of it before.

I have no idea where this product originates and you can't tell by reading the package either since the back is written in a dozen languages and is in 1/2 point font that even with my specs on, I can barely make out what is written.
First off, is the product named "Protein Go On" or "Protein Goon"? I'm hoping it is the second one and will refer to it as nothing other than that forevermore.
I have heard that protein is important to have in the morning because it is slower burning than other things but I was apprehensive to get this because I also have heard that carbs are bad and in my mind there is no way that something called "brownie" can possibly have no added sugar. I doubt the authenticity of that claim because when I first tried it the bowl of ceral/granola basically tastes like a bowl of cake with milk on top of it.

I was also quite disappointed with the amount of cherries that were contained within. Seriously, that bad boy that just happened to land on top of my brownie granola was the only one in the entire bag. Really, it just landed there. I promise I did not place it there.
So as far as taste goes, this stuff is remarkably good for anyone that appreciates sweets. This might be the sweetest cereal I have ever had without throwing M&M's on top of it - which I haven't ever actually done. Therefore, I flipped over the bag and used a magnifier and found out that while it does in fact contain 20 grams of protein per serving, it also contains a whopping 46 grams of carbohydrates. Sorry, but do they really expect me to believe that they didn't use any sugar with that much carbs in the mix? That's like having a Coca Cola with a spoonful of sugar on the side.
In the end I would say that this product could be good for anyone out there that appreciates sweets but in the end it was almost too sweet. It was like having dessert for breakfast and if you are one of the people out there that tries to avoid carbohydrates, this isn't the option you should be looking for. I should have figured this would be the case when I picked it up because really, brownies are never going to be good for you.
Now I just wonder how they managed to get so much protein in there. It must be some sort of chemical enhancement.