Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of EdensteemCreated with Sketch.

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's another incredible day in the Garden of Eden, and it's time for another incredible feast! 

We have been enjoying an almost vegan diet lately while we follow an anti-candida protocol. The diet calls for lots of fresh, raw, whole fruit, leafy greens, root veggies, and squash, and no sugar, no meat, no dairy. There are a few grains that are allowed, but we are not basing our meals on them because they are so high in carbohydrates (which break down into sugar, which feeds candida).

It's true that the anti-candida diet is relatively restrictive, especially for people used to eating the standard American diet, but we choose to focus on solutions and celebrate the bright, fresh, yummy foods that we can have as much of as we want! 

While it's always great to share communal meals, it's especially wonderful to do so in times like these, because there is both moral support of the group and less chance of "cheating" because healthy food is already prepared & available.

Today we had a lovely garden salad, a white bean and veggie soup, dark brown rice, sautéed carrots and cauliflower, and a vibrant herb sauce! 

Our salad had lots of raw veggies: carrots, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, green beans, and crispy greens. We made a garlicky vinaigrette dressing with homemade strawberry vinegar.  

We had a bit of soup leftover from yesterday's epic feast, so we also served this hearty white bean & veggie soup. 

We have lots of carrots on hand right now, so we sautéed them with cauliflower to get beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin K, potassium, antioxidants! 

We had a yummy, slightly nutty dark brown rice as well. For anyone who wanted some complex carbohydrates, the option was available! 

Our Shellie, AKA @everlove, made her famous herb sauce! This is a really simple mix of herbs, garlic, olive oil, and salt, with maybe a little citrus and/or pepper. It's extremely easy to make but can greatly elevate an otherwise basic dish! She picked oregano, thyme, rosemary, mint, oxalis, cilantro, parsley, lemon balm, and chives from our vast herb garden to make this lovely sauce for us. 

Per our high sustainable standards, we prepared everything in our outdoor kitchen. We cook over rocket stoves which we built out of dirt by hand. We do not use gas or electricity, but instead burn fence panels donated to us by a friend so he doesn't have to unload them at the landfill - where he would actually have to pay to pollute the Earth. Instead of that nonsense, we alchemize them into high vibe cuisine to feed a whole community of people! 

Food is important and we hope to inspire people to really take  time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to  food. We want to remind everyone to let food be your medicine too! 

If you would like to know more about our unique and super sustainable connection to our food cycle, please check out our previous post here.

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wow that looks good

Thanks! In addition to making healthy, tasty food, we're big on presentation.

I don't think you should up vote people who us randonwhale etc to up vote their own comments when they don't even say anything important. they are already at the top of the list because they care more about getting paid for their comment than this post.

Hahaha, consciousness trumps all the book learning in the world. We live sustainability and we're here to inspire a better way!

We love to eat, cook, and grow food! It's awesome to be so connected to the food cycle, and it's a blessing to share it with others!

Esto luce delicioso, es una verdadera fortuna producir el alimento libre de tóxicos.

Sí nowdays es una bendición para obtener comida fresca y orgánica. Solía ​​ser un tiempo que no se llamaba "orgánico" - se llamaba simplemente comida ...

Everything looks delicious. I love how you have all the different colors in your food, showing the balanced variety of healthy food. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Nice observation!

Yes! Natural, colorful plants have such an array of healthful compounds. Thanks for looking, @beccadeals!

puddles dripping on a sunny day
looks yummy
secreting pancreas already

Oh yes, get those pancreatic juices flowing!! Glad to share the feast with you, @richforever!

Even when detoxing/dieting we have epic spreads!

It's an amazing food reality!! It's a blessing to have so much dank, nutritious food with more than enough for everyone. Thanks for providing, Quinn!

Bless it be~*~

The sautéed Carrots and Cauliflower all caramelised together! I would love that! Although all of the food is my cup of tea.
Your food looks very cleansing and delicious!

Thank you, @kiwicanfly! Food is one of our passions and we are highly skilled in a variety of techniques and styles of cuisine. Lately we've been enjoying simple, clean, straightforward and super nutritious food. It's fun to indulge sometimes, but it feels so great for the body to have a solid foundation of healing plant compounds on the regular.

Your posts are so inspiring to me! Spring fast approaching where I am so I am eager to get out and plant veggies! I have already planted some organic strawberries and Green Beans! I have a Grape vine to plant as well! I'm looking forward to reaping my yummy rewards at harvest! :D

Awesome! Eating food you grew yourself is supremely satisfying.

Wow! awesome, I strongly hope that the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is not included here.


FOOD PORN (I'm salivating)

Oh yessssss!

can i get it as a gift in pakistan :P ? :D it looks yummy but i am lazy :P

We would love to share a meal with you, @hassanabid! For now we will have to do that through photos and the magic of the internet :)

Look'n good!

That WHite Navy bean soup looks appealing. This #Diet sure is restrictive - can't believe it.

No meat or dairy, nor certain grains. Whoa... I dont think I could do it - I mean, I don't ever go eat Mcdonalds hamburgers, yet to do without #meat would be HARD.

At least a bit of meat in a #rice dish, such as Pork Fried rice - I kind of need that. But good on you for doing it

Yes it can be a big change for some people, which is just one more reason why it's great to do something like this with a group or community!

Looks delicious. They say you should eat lots of color, and that's some colorful food.

Yes colorful food (without dye hahaha) is nutritious food!

Taste the rainbow!

looks yummy, we can guess that food must be very delicious, upvoted cheers :)

Simple, clean, fresh, nutritious yumminess!!

The food looks soooooo delicious ! I am working to change my diet and this is amazing. Thank you , thank you. Will follow 100 %.

Awesome, so happy to share valuable info and inspiration with you, @advancehealth! It's a lot easier to do with the support of a group.


Hahaha, definitely not the kind of food we're focusing on for these weeks, but looks delicious!

Wow - I can feel all that nutritional goodness flying out of the computer screen towards me!!!

I've just been checking out your website btw... super cool stuff! I wish you all the very best. :)

Thank you, @johleen! Thanks for taking a look at the site - it's pretty dense with info on what we're about :)
Grateful for your support!

Getting hunger pangs from the pictures!! Mind if i dig in? LoL :P

There's more than enough for everyone!

much obliged my friend :)


Thank you, @digitalplayer!

I love how you have all the different colors in your food, and Your food looks very cleansing and delicious!

1+2 is my faforit. nice and upvoted

good job


Bean soup, looks great. Dad used to make this soup called Portugese Bean soup. It was my favorite.


