This is How and Why Our Sustainable Community Fed a Hundred Delicious, Healthy 5 Course Meals for FREE Again

in food •  8 years ago 

We spend our time feeding, clothing, housing, and educating a healthy, happy community. 

We focus on helping 2 groups of people:  

  1. Those in need, from the homeless to single mothers, and 
  2. Inspired, committed people focused on creating a healthier and better world for ALL!

We fed 300 homeless people on Wednesday despite the fact that it is illegal. 

Yesterday, we supported the community builders.

We donated an $800 Epic Spreads feast for a monthly meeting of community leaders in Plano, Texas.  

  • We invested 55 man hours in planning, harvesting, preparing, packaging, delivering, serving, and cleaning up 100 meals
  • Spent $0 at stores to do so
  • Prepared everything in our outdoor kitchen using fuel we saved from the landfill
  • Made 5 dishes plus tea
    • We use unusual combinations of textures and ingredients in our inspired creations. Our food is a unique and tantalizing fusion of worldwide flavors! We don’t spend time perfecting recipes. Instead, we create hundreds if not thousands of once-in-a-lifetime masterpieces out of thin air, and rarely repeat ourselves. We will share our customizable food formulas in upcoming posts in hopes of inspiring your own epic, über dank, high vibe cuisine mouthgasmic creations. 

spaghetti squash, golden tomatoes, and pesto on jicama bites with our beyond organic lemon balm tea

creamy cauliflower soup

She loved the soup!

salted potato frittata with red and green salsas on sweet potato leaves

pumpkin curried lentils with minted creme on cranberry and hazelnut crackers

steemed custard with cayenne caramel pumpkin butter on cinnamon tortas

Each course topped the last as crowd favorite!

  • We didn’t even bring any disposables, but instead came up with innovative solutions for sustainability! For our soup and tea, we used high quality reusable glass wear with super cute handmade mittens. Other dishes featured edible leaf plates that looked beautiful, are super healthy, and replace paper napkins and plates. Even if they didn't get eaten, we took them home and feed it to the chickens or compost them to grow more plants, so nothing goes to waste! 

beyond organic, super sustainable lemon balm tea

Additionally, we had the opportunity to set up a table to offer real goods with real intrinsic value in fair exchange for donations to our cause.  

  • Everything we have is handmade or honorably sourced
  • Nothing is taxed
  • Everything is offered at fair value, as we do not inflate the worth simply because we are fundraising
  • We offer goods that increase health and wellness, so simply by investing in one's own health, one is able to help us help others
  • Every $3 we raise from any/all our operations goes towards feeding, clothing, housing, and educating more people
    • None of what we raise is spent in stores. We essentially just don’t have personal expenses.
    • We were not recovering the cost for the catering operation in any way, as that was made possible by previous efforts. Everything we raised is pledged towards helping people in the future.

Yesterday's operation was a success! We had a great time feeding people delicious, sustainable, healthy food for free while we raised funds to feed more people for free. We are the change!

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Awesome, thanks for your support!

I love being part of this!! It's so easy and fun and inspiring to share wholesome, sustainable food with people, and it's a complete blessing that we can turn physical goods into MORE GOOD in this world! Thank you @gardenofeden!!

You're welcome!

Medicine for the people in the form of giving!! What we received back was the satisfaction of showing people how simple it is to be the change and their gratitude for our gifts and efforts. What goes around comes around. At the Garden of Eden we're living it everyday, blessed for the opportunity to make a difference. YES!!!!!!

So grateful you're a part of this revolution!

What a great post! You're giving back and helping people and that's awesome!

I wrote a post today about charity and giving that may be of interest. The man I wrote about gave away practically every penny that he had during his lifetime - all $8 Billion of it.

Thanks for sharing your work. I'm now following you and look forward to hearing more about the good work that you are doing - well done!

Thank you! We devote all of our time and resources to building the world we want. It's cool to hear about others who are dedicated to honorable causes too!

such cool stories. Amazing, always

Thank you @gringalicious!

Keep 'em coming and keep up the great work.

Post request - What does a typical day at GOE look like?

Great idea @anotherjoe! We'll take in that suggestion.

Very Nice Post!!

Thank you!



And sustainable!

look delicious.

Everything was superb! We'll share food formulas soon!

You folks ROCK!!!!!!!
Love the mission, the food, the crafts.
Knowing you are out there serving your community gives me more hope for our collective future..... thank you, oc