healthy breakfast cupcakes - easy and quick to make

in food •  8 years ago 

Hey everyone :D

Today want to show you guys how you make healthy breakfast cupcakes ;)

tomorrow, it's official vacation so I start working in a daycare. I'm not really a breakfast person but when you need to start working early, you beter eat something.

I really like these ones and have made them before. My dad tried one today and he thought it tasted very good. He was surprised they are healthy because they taste so good.

They are really easy and quick to make.


  • oatmeal (125g)
  • milk (150ml)
  • banana (1)
  • apple (2)
  • eggs (2)

Let's start!

You start by taking 125g oatmeal. (use a big bowl so everything fits)

Add your 2 eggs.

Add 150ml milk.

cut your banana into pieces and add it to the bowl.

Cut 1(!!) apple into pieces and also add it to the bowl.

mix everything that's in your bowl. (you can use a blender if you have one. If you don't have one you can use a mixer like me)

peel and cut your other apple into very little pieces. Add it to the bowl.

Fill your baking molds. how much you can fill depends on how big they are. I only could find 4 of them so my bowl is in my fridge until I find my other baking molds. (I recommend silicone baking molds because they are very easy. Don't use paper ones because your cupcake will be stuck in it)

put them in the oven (180°) for 30 minutes.

After 30minutes, they are ready!

Put them in your fridge. When you have a lot of cupcakes you can put a few into your freezer.

You can eat them cold or warm. I prefer them warm ;)

This is how you make healthy breakfast cupcakes. It's easy right? ;)

hope you like them! have a nice day :D

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Ok....thats incredibly easy to make... i know what im going to eat right now!

I wish you a lot of fun making and eating the cupcakes. Let me know if you like them! :D

Nice! It's an easy recipe!! Will try it as I love oatmeal cake. And I like easy recipes.You can check my blogs for some easy Chinese recipes my friend taught me......Have followed and upvoted you. Hope you can do the same too.

Hey, thanks! I looked at you page and it looks amazing, following you ;)

Hha I love cupcakes, I can't wait to try and make one of yours!

Very nice, simple and nutritious. Oatmeal is great because of all the fiber it is very filling for a morning meal to push you through. :)

Yum! They look healthy, delicious and so easy to make. Thanks for sharing.