RE: How To Find Out Which Egg Companies Are Trying To Deceive You

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How To Find Out Which Egg Companies Are Trying To Deceive You

in food •  8 years ago 

We don't buy eggs though as we have chickens (that probably range a bit too freely).

This cracked me up! It also made me smile that you source your own home grown foods. I wish I could but I just don't have the land space to let poultry roam about

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Not even for two? They only need so much space per chicken (and another chicken for company). Though if you also have garden that's unavailable because it contains plants you don't want eaten then fair enough 😅

I have a 4 meter by 5 meter backyard and half of it is paved. Also I'm renting and technically I am not allowed pets... My cat is living here illegally :')

LoL was it a good idea to put that on the blockchain XD (because I've never done anything like that ever >_>)

Yeh fair enough!

Those Mother F'cking Producers. Welcome to the world of business, it's all about the money and never about nature of the well-being of other life.

I reckon Joe! Make sure yous scan the eggs mum gets :)